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Mobile Version Custom Text HTML | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Wilzer Sep 27 '15
Can't figure out why I can paste HTML in Desktop new page and it works but when I try the same HTML code in Mobile Version Customtext/HTML it will not stay in the box, deletes on save?  How do I enter custom HTML code in custom mobile page.  What am I doing wrong?????
Wilzer Sep 28 '15
Can anyone show an example of code in mobile version of Custom/HTML page?
The Forum post is edited by Wilzer Sep 28 '15
Taissa Team
Taissa Sep 29 '15
Wilzer, I've checked this issue on our Demo mobile version and everything work properly. Please see the screenshots:

To assist you we need to get more detailed information.  What is your software version?
Did you enable the DEBUG_MODE to see if there are any PHP errors? (https://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:enable-debug)
Provide the screenshots of the problem.
Wilzer Sep 29 '15
Thanks, version 1.8 here's the code I was entering into the custom/HTML box - I enter the code and save but when I look in edit, it has disappeared or try the page it is not there - Just trying to make a page with hyperlinks to other pages formatted for mobile device

Works fine in desktop custom page but not mobile custom page

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<p><a href="http://ytcspb.net/closeupsmobile/mobilesept2015.html">Mobile

The Forum post is edited by Wilzer Sep 29 '15
Taissa Team
Taissa Sep 30 '15
Wilzer, even if you try to paste this code to the desktop Custom text/HTML widget on our Demo page, you will see the same result - the code will disappear. This happens because the code is not correct. Custom text/HTML widget it's a module that is integrated into the page structure. The page itself already comes with <html>, <head>, <body> tags. So if you need to inset a link, you just need to paste:
<p><a href="http://ytcspb.net/closeupsmobile/mobilesept2015.html">Mobile Closeups</a></p> code into this widget.
But if you are talking about new mobile custom page this code will work. See the screenshots:

But it's still not correct to use the code in full version.
It will be enough to paste <p><a href="http://ytcspb.net/closeupsmobile/mobilesept2015.html">Mobile
Closeups</a></p> code.  

The Forum post is edited by Taissa Oct 2 '15
Wilzer Sep 30 '15
Thank you - that's what I needed

Many Many thanks


Taissa Team
Taissa Oct 2 '15
Always ready to help you :)