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How can i edit first page and change meta tag | Forum

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Nattasan Pantarawong


i want to change to another language from "en" to "th"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="th" dir="ltr">

<meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="th" />

Best Regards,


  OXWALL-Question.jpg (116.4Kb)
Michael Leader
Michael Apr 23 '12
Try looking through the languages section within the admin panel.
Nattasan Pantarawong
Thank you very much Michael.

i try many time in languages section, but it's didn't work.

please help me to change this.

Nattasan Pantarawong
Quote from Nattasan Pantarawong


i want to change to another language from "en" to "th"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="th" dir="ltr">

<meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="th" />

Best Regards,


please help me to change this.
Den Team
Den Apr 30 '12

You could modify it in ow_themes/active_theme/master_pages/html_document.html file.

Nattasan Pantarawong
Quote from Addenster Nattasan,

You could modify it in ow_themes/active_theme/master_pages/html_document.html file.

It's still not work

Thank you very much Addenster

DeFender May 1 '12
make th language default
Nattasan Pantarawong
Quote from DeFender make th language default

I already make th language default but the code didn't change

Thank you very much DeFender

Michael I.
Michael I. May 19 '12
You should enable DEV_MODE in the ow_includes/config.php file so that modifications in the code you perform to take effect.
Nattasan Pantarawong
Quote from aka_le_Mulder You should enable DEV_MODE in the ow_includes/config.php file so that modifications in the code you perform to take effect.

i already enable 
enable DEV_MODE but it's still didn't work.

Thank you very much aka_le_Mulder