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Antartis Apr 25 '12

#1 Event dont show in left side bar to ANYONE, just admin.
I checked roles permission and did a test user myself to try diferent settings and is not working. Only admins can see events in the side bar.

EDIT: User can see the side bar events but if they have permission to create ther own events, but they will see ther OWN events, and not if they are invited to one.

#2 If I add an "event" link in the main menu, only the ones who put "YES" can see it... "Maybe" cannot... I understand if "NO" cant see it anymore... but "MAYBE" thats sucks, because later when the guy want to change to "YES" cant find it anymore...

The Forum post is edited by Antartis Apr 25 '12
  event_bug.JPG (148.94Kb)
  event permision.JPG (21.11Kb)
Antartis Apr 26 '12
ok,... :S
Michael I.
Michael I. May 13 '12
What page is that on the screenshot? What code do you have in your Events widget?