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D.S Oct 12 '15

I updated the last version of Oxwall, the 1.8. I fixed most of the problem update but this one, i don't find any solution on the forum. 

The page to uplaod the picture of the avatar doesn't exist anymore. So there is no way to change the picture or add it if there is not (exept on the sign up)

The url : http://mysite/profile/avatar send to unknown page...

I updated all the plug in as well. So I don't know where does the mistake come from. 

Do you have any idea ?

NB : the file are present in the ow_pluginfiles/base/avatars and ow_userfiles

ross Team
ross Oct 12 '15
There's no such a page in the software, avatar changes in the popup floatbox and there's no url for such a floatbox as it works on javascript
The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 12 '15
D.S Oct 13 '15

Thank you for your quick answer !

You mean on the new version ? Because the link works before the update... 

Anyway, how can I fix the problem ? there is no popup floatbox which appear to put a photo or a picture.. 

ross Team
ross Oct 13 '15
Share your url, please make sure website is open for registration
ross Team
ross Oct 13 '15
In the previous version it worked the same by the way
D.S Oct 13 '15
i put password connection : ross

You can see on the dashboard (it's in french, sry) : "mon avatar".. it doesn't work. You can go as well to "aperçu" (overview) but you need to have a account..

On the sign up, the avatar works :) but not in the website :(

ross Team
ross Oct 13 '15
Share your url, please make sure website is open for registration
D.S Oct 13 '15
no comment (brainlag, sry)


ross Team
ross Oct 13 '15
please approve my account: http://deeproject.com/user/tester, also can you switch to the default theme. 
D.S Oct 13 '15

Quote from ross please approve my account: http://deeproject.com/user/tester, also can you switch to the default theme. 
ross Team
ross Oct 13 '15
D.S. Please go here: www.http://deeproject.com/admin/pages/user-dashboard

and provide me screenshot of your welcome widget settings

D.S Oct 13 '15
something strange here..

it's in english and on my website it's in French.. 

Update : it's because i customized directly on the front and not on the backoffice 

The Forum post is edited by D.S Oct 13 '15
  ross_print.png (177Kb)
D.S Oct 13 '15
i don't understand, the first code is this one :

<p>Welcome to our site! Here are a few quick links that you need to start your way around:</p><ul class="ow_regular"><li><a href="profile/avatar" change_avatar>Change avatar</a></li><li><a href="javascript://" photo_upload>Upload photos</a></li><li><a href="profile/edit">Change profile details</a></li><li><a href="my-profile">Preview/rearrange my profile</a></li><li><a href="users">Look who's in</a></li></ul>
<p>Feel free to participate in our community!</p>

and when i click on "change avatar" it becomes this one :

<ul class="ow_regular"><li><a href="profile/avatar" change_avatar="change_avatar">Change avatar</a></li><li><a href="javascript://" photo_upload="photo_upload">Upload photos</a></li><li><a href="profile/edit">Change profile details</a></li><li><a href="my-profile">Preview/rearrange my profile</a></li><li><a href="users">Look who's in</a></li></ul>

anyway, the first and the second link doesn't work... 

D.S Oct 13 '15
the first link (href) goes to "profile/avatar" and the second to some code of javascript..  

does my code is right ?

The Forum post is edited by D.S Oct 13 '15
ross Team
ross Oct 13 '15
D.S what is your software version?
D.S Oct 14 '15
1.8 build 9900 and before that is was 1.6
The Forum post is edited by D.S Oct 14 '15
ross Team
ross Oct 14 '15
D.S. one more thing, please go here again: www.http://deeproject.com/admin/pages/user-dashboard and check how many welcome widgets you have there, I believe there are two of them
D.S Oct 14 '15
Sure ! there are two welcome widget. The custom one (in french) and the english one. The english one is not available on the custom dashboard on homepage
ross Team
ross Oct 14 '15
Can you try to make french unavailable and english version available and see if english one works properly?
D.S Oct 14 '15
Yes I tried. But the page user-dashboard in the backoffice in not connected to my website. User profile works but not the dashboard. 

As you can see attached, there are "moderator panel", "invite friends" and "group forum" (projet privés) widgets in the backoffice but in the front there is only "group forum" and "blog" (projet public) widgets. 

  ross2.png (111Kb)
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