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D.S Oct 14 '15

Quote from D.S Yes I tried. But the page user-dashboard in the backoffice in not connected to my website. User profile works but not the dashboard. 

As you can see attached, there are "moderator panel", "invite friends" and "group forum" (projet privés) widgets in the backoffice but in the front there is only "group forum" and "blog" (projet public) widgets. 

I mean on the right area to the dashboard (see attached, the front)
  ross3.png (212Kb)
ross Team
ross Oct 14 '15
What do you mean dashboard is not connected to your website? did you do some modification or what?
ross Team
ross Oct 14 '15
Do you mean the widget does not appear when you make it available?
D.S Oct 14 '15
No i made no custom here. before the update, i custom the page user-dashboard in backoffice and then custom again the dashboard in the front. 

Now the dashboard in the back is not connected to my website, i mean, every change I do on this page doesn't work on the frontoffice and in fact, even the widgets are differents (as i show you in the print) 

The Forum post is edited by D.S Oct 14 '15
D.S Oct 14 '15
Yes that's it ! the widget does not appear. whatever i do on the oxwall admin. 
ross Team
ross Oct 14 '15
What do you mean by this:  i custom the page user-dashboard in backoffice and then custom again the dashboard in the front? Did you do some customizations

Also I see that you the dashboard page has monplandetravail URL. 

What customization you did on your site, please revert all the changes you did and then we'll proceed. 

D.S Oct 14 '15
I turned it back and it works. 

monplandetravail is only the URL for a custom dashboard. It was changed by a plugin to enhanced the SEO. I put it back dashboard and then the page user-dashboard works. 
So, I made a custom widget based on the welcome widget on a custom page and it's worked on the previous version but not anymore. I see on the welcome widget of the new version, there is this behind the html code :
photo_upload - Photo upload link
change_avatar - Change avatar link

The Forum post is edited by D.S Oct 14 '15
D.S Oct 14 '15
How can I put those both variable on a custom widget ?
ross Team
ross Oct 14 '15
This is bug reports section, please create a post in the General Questions section. 
D.S Oct 14 '15
ok, thanks for you help Ross !

Btw, do you have any idea why the profile widget doesn't work the page user profile ? 

This widget is frozen, i can't remove it (even if i don't want to remove it).  Do you want me to create a new post ?

D.S Oct 14 '15
I changed the theme, the problem still 
ross Team
ross Oct 14 '15
Yes, new post please, as we have a rule here: one issue per topic
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