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Oliver Oct 14 '15
Hello to all here.

Hope you can help me. I searched the forum but no way to find any post with this issues.

As you can see in the screenshots i get a few error messages after trying to login. Now i uninstalled all plugins (after i took the screenshots) but same issues.

My only idea was that i am trying to install this on a windows server IIS 7.5 with server2008RS2 because for that i had to edit a small webconfig file for the mod_rewrite what i s actually done in the htaccess. 

Maybe anyone of you has got an idea. 

Thanks in Advance!



Oxwall1.8 new installation

PHP 5.4

The Forum post is edited by Oliver Oct 14 '15
  oxscreen1.jpg (120Kb)
  oxscreen2.jpg (240Kb)
Alan May 7 '16
Did you get it working? 
dave Leader
dave May 7 '16
The first 3 are just notices dont worry too much about those, it just means that a variable was not initialized before use.  It usually happens either when a var is not set to '' when the script first starts or when a array value does not have a value or the value is null or 0 , this has alot to do with the flow of the php file and many times a simple one line code can prevent those. 

Now for the 4th one that is a fatal error.  If we take care of this one, the other ones will more than likely go away. 

The Forum post is edited by dave May 7 '16
dave Leader
dave May 7 '16
I am thinking this is another mod_rewrite issue because you are using a form when you get the error. 
dave Leader
dave May 7 '16
I guess there no sense in asking why dont you just install apache and then your all set lol
OW-Ghost May 7 '16
yes apache would help , but maybe he want try something else :)
ross Team
ross May 10 '16
In this case he should have some handler like nginx to handle the routing and we do not guarantee proper work of the software on IIS our requirements is Apache server: http://www.oxwall.org/hosting