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Membership IF/Then code ? - Paid Membership | Forum

Abe Mac
Abe Mac Oct 18 '15

Here is a video description of my question: http://screencast.com/t/ooMJWlZkSX

On my membership page, using the membership plug ( subscribe_index.html ) There is a IF/Then code to display details if the user has chosen a membership account, but if the user is a new registrant and has not chosen a membership type the space will be empty.  
There is what it looks like:
{if isset($current)}{block_decorator name='box' type='empty' addClass="ow_stdmargin tour_step1"}{text key='membership+membership'}: <span class="ow_remark ow_small">{if isset($currentTitle)}{$currentTitle}{if $current->recurring} ({text key='membership+recurring'}){/if}{/if}</span><br />{text key='membership+expires'}: <span class="ow_remark ow_small">{membership_format_date timestamp=$current->expirationStamp}</span>{/block_decorator}{/if}
How do I place a block of text if ($current) is empty or null, or simply a {else}.  I need to promote my trial, so if there is no membership type selected , then the default will be block of html that will promote the trial.  Everything Ive tried results in s 500 error.

Taissa Team
Taissa Oct 20 '15
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Oct 30 '15
You can try adding the following code before the code you've mentioned:

{if !isset($current)}

{block_decorator name='box' type='empty' addClass="ow_stdmargin"}

{text key='membership+membership'}: <b>Free</b> <br />

Please try using our <b>Trial</b> membership. <br />



The Forum post is edited by Skalfa LLC Oct 30 '15
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