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Some questions about Oxwall (Looking for responses asap) | Forum

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Spirit Oct 21 '15
I have some questions about Oxwall, I am currently using social engine which has so many issues with different things its not even funny, and we're at our wits-end with it..

Sorry for so many questions, if you don't have the answers to some of them feel free to skip them and respond to any you do know about!

1) Blocking doesn't work at all in Social engine (even though its there), I saw that a update in Oxwall has implemented this? can any web-master confirm it works like it should? - how it should work, User A Blocks User B, They can't IM/PM/comment on each others stuff etc..

2) If someone starts a thread on the wall feed, can users who join in, Un-join them? or is their a plugin someone made that does this? This is a huge desire for my community, they join in on topics then wish to not be apart of the topic any longer, so a way to not get any notices or something would be amazing.

3)How is the admin/moderator (back end/staff stuff) 

on Social engine moderators can't be given any power at all from what I've seen, and to give them even forum power or such you have to make them admins (yes seriously) Theirs also a huge lack of tools such as logging and such!, please tell me oxwall has these much needed tools in place by default?

4)Linking urls on the wall feed/(spacing in your wall feed posts)

When linking on social engine, it can't handle certain links and breaks them, instead of realizing its a URL it makes part of the URL clickable but the rest of it in normal text.. (I.E - http://i.imgur.com/Cd7qM7n.jpg
Only this part is clickable http://i )
Before one of the updates Social engine didn't have spacing supported a example is

(Space here)
This is me spacing

Are these working in oxwall?

5) Emails, I have done everything that's possible to get emails to work with Social engine, but none of social engines emails reach the resident of the website, (except for notification emails), The emails from the site itself such as admin emails, verification emails, don't even reach spam, it just never shows up, I have been trying to fix this for months, and nothing I have done resolves it.

6) Mobile , does Oxwall support mobile by default? or is that a plugin

7) are their a bunch of free plugins or do they all cost money?

8) Features, does Oxwall have a calendar/events/Private IMing/forums and such?

9)Does the who is online function work correctly 
on social engine, you have to configure Social engine time zone, the php time zone, the server time zone, and a few other things, and even then it still only shows like 2-3 people online even if you and your entire staff team is staring at the page..

10) Photos/albums, How good is this? does it have Html 5 built in and stuff.
How's the photo's/album system work, what uploading thing does it use and what not?

11) Support - is it hard to get help with oxwall if things need to be adjusted or fixed, if so, what are the normal costs

I know for social engine to get anything worked on starts at like 300$ for minor adjustments, and even that, its virtually impossible to get any coder from the recommended list to respond to you...

12) Community Features
Does Oxwall have support for like community activity's
Such as game server stuff, or what not, (if oxwall doesn't, what about plugins or something)

13) Any functions for uploading story's, and organizing photos/albums (maybe folders features or such)?

14) can you Edit your wall feed posts, (if not does a plugin allow this)

The Forum post is edited by Spirit Oct 21 '15
Spirit Oct 21 '15
Anyone o.o?
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Oct 21 '15
Wow.a lot of questions. Some of them can be answered by trying out the demo.
Cruising the store can also help answer some as well.
I'm not familiar with Social Engine, but I think all in all Oxwall is a great piece of software that's easy to work with, and with an active development team. The support isn't to shabby either. It may take time on some of the issues, but they are responsive.
Spirit Oct 21 '15
Well seems the quoting function is somewhat broken.. on this forums

I'll try the demo, just not sure how i'll figure out if blocking works correctly or not without help.
The Forum post is edited by Spirit Oct 21 '15
Spirit Oct 21 '15
Okie so I see a slight issue with the back end...

It doesn't seem to let you have a column on the left side instead of the right

for example, the my profile and stuff, instead of the right side, I'd like it on the left, but when looking at the back end I don't see anyway to resolve this?
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Oct 21 '15
You can edit the profile page in the admin panel, and move things around. You can adjust the columns there as well. Anything you add to the right side when customizing the main page will display on all pages.
Spirit Oct 21 '15
I don't see any way to adjust the columns at all, I'm looking at the Admin panel, on the demo site on the "Profile page"

and I see next to no real configuration options.

I've included some pictures, "example.jpg" is my social engine site, I'd like to keep that design if at all possible.

The Forum post is edited by Spirit Oct 21 '15
  example.jpg (288Kb)
  Example of configs.jpg (319Kb)
  Capture 1.JPG (51Kb)
  Capture 2.JPG (114Kb)
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Oct 21 '15
Looks like that may be possible by going to the main page, and moving things from the right column to the left column, and then putting the things you want in the right column, but if you moved the add new widget from the right column, members would either have to go to the main page, or the other pages to do those items. Only the right column shows on every page. If I were having as many issues as you have listed I would compromise some layout for functionality. Seems like Oxwall can hit the mark pretty close. You could always install it, and create you some test accounts to give it a good work over, and if in the end you like it, you'll have it ready to go.
Spirit Oct 21 '15
Darryl B 

Could you tell me exactly where to move stuff from the right column to the left? or provide a few screenshots?

I can not figure it at all, I don't see any where to change what pages I'm messing with.

(The block I'm referring to is the "members home page" ) I'd like to move the right piece to the left

The main page on the admin panel for the demo takes you to the admins dashboard with the stats and stuff/and news.
The Forum post is edited by Spirit Oct 21 '15
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Oct 21 '15
As the admin. On the main page, there is a button at the top that says "Customize this page".  When in customization mode for the main page I can drag components around to different areas. The right column can only be customized from this page. The dashboard, and the user profile page are customized through the admin panel. You can select for users to be able to customize these pages, and the customize button will show on those as well. The screenshot is just my test site where I play around, but you'll see the gear icons at the top of the widgets. I have customization on. Any of those can be dragged around, or removed from the screen. The ones at the top can be added.
  customize.jpg (117Kb)
Spirit Oct 21 '15
Okie I found what your referring to, it wont let me move the my profile and stuff to the left, (if you look carefully that section is called "Side bar" and only a few items out of that can be moved, and can only be moved to the middle"

I don't see a Column or a Side bar on the left side at all, that's what I'm looking for o.o

Also, I've noticed you can't see Ip's on the demo site, is this true for the software as well? is there no way to see your users IPs?

The Forum post is edited by Spirit Oct 22 '15
ali Apr 11 '23
В Арт Академи в София, децата могат да се научат на различни техники за рисуване, керамика, крафт с полимерна глина и много други изкуствени дейности. През последните години, училището се е утвърдило като един от най-добрите центрове за изкуство за деца в София. Една от големите предимства на Арт Академи е, че децата не само могат да се забавляват, но и да учат много полезни умения като търпение, точност и творческо мислене. Децата могат да се развиват в своите умения и да изразят своята индивидуалност. В Арт Академи има и опитни учители, които ще насочат децата и ще им помогнат да развият своя талант. Всички материали и оборудване, необходими за изкуството, са на разположение в училището. Арт Академи
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