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Oxwall - Geoip and competitors | Forum

Silvio Nov 6 '15
i'm a satisfied oxwall customer by 2 years (at first place the outstanding support..) and i want to ask why Oxwall didn't developed an imbedded function for localization with geoip. In older post i saw that it was under consideration but has never been release, leaving them to third party companies that have developed something always uncomplete and after some time not supported anymore. Imho delaying more this feature could be a wrong decision in consideration that a lot of competitors (a lot new on wordpress) gives this features. Consider also that investing in something that has no Gps o a "near to you" function will not give admins any possibility to invest in developing mobile apps because a social (dating sites first) without geo localization cannot compete with other domains.

My final question is (just to understand):
This is a commercial choice of Oxwall or is not possible to develop this function due coding structure problems?

Thank you


Ps: it's not a polemic post, take it just like a personal consideration.
ross Team
ross Nov 6 '15
As you can see there's no demand for this feature: http://oxwall.uservoice.com/...nguage-with-detected

only 22 voices, which is why it has not been developed

Silvio Nov 6 '15
it's a different thing Ross. This is an auto language selector. I mean something like in Dolphin and Sweetdate (WP) that into registration form if you type LON.. it gives autocomplete with LONDON and then into suggested members gives the one you have near your through the Free Geoip api.

In the past we had some plugins like this one: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/756
But has never worked so well and also now is unsupported.

look also this old post i've found: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/18171?page=1#post-89963

Cite: "This is the problem I've found with some other "social/dating site" systems: Users can type in their "City" location, so they'd be found in searches for the city... but, this doesn't really work if people live outside of a major city, because the database doesn't know if a small town is near or far from a specific major city - no Geographic brain in the db! ... so rural users would rarely show up in a search. "

how do an admin could monetize a website if he could not have a secure data entry in the city side? Finding London is easy but if someone is living in a city nearby is pratically un-searchable for people that are looking for someone in that zone and, me, cannot send commercial suggestion for a zone localization And this is important not only for a dating site.

tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 6 '15
i had this feature made for another script i used years age 
ot used the free geoipdatabase and worked perfectly
cost me $120 from a freelancer 

i asked the person to make it work on oxwall but after 3 days of try understand how oxwall works he gave up 
i try repost the job but same 3 others try and same result all give up 
even with the gio ip db on my sever and the select distance script and everything there none can hook it to oxwall 

Silvio Nov 7 '15
The problem in oxwall for dating could be divided into two fields. The not univocity in city registration (London is london in english, but in italian is Londra) so then if you search city from a free text type field you will have always problems ;) Another problem is how to let a plugin use a profile field (i'm not a coder but is what a friend told me taking a fast look). I think that a so much important feature could not be left outside the oxwall primary developement team due the fact it must be assured that updates will always be maintained. but it's just my opinion and my actual needs ;)

ross Team
ross Nov 8 '15
Anyway this is considered as a custom plugin development, you can make a suggestion on uservoice for us to consider implementing it if it gets many voices, otherwise you will need to do that on your own or hire a programmer to do that for you. 
Sean Nov 12 '15
Use the new geo location capabilities of all modern browsers: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_geolocation.asp

find their location then set the language

ross Team
ross Nov 15 '15
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Silvio Nov 16 '15
I think we must open a request in uservoice :) i've never done it.. anyone knows how to do it?
OW-Ghost Apr 8 '16
i have this command in my htaccess file GeoIPEnable On and it was make my server get many errors. and when i was remove it from the file that command my site was work again and have good speed again. why did i have that command in my htaccess file?? it was make my server many errors and my server respond time was no good at all with that command. i dont know what plugin or if oxwall or skadate use it? i need find the source i was just delete the command but maybe it comes back?

do i need this http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_geolocation.asp for my site work good? 

i dont know so much about this geoipenable thing so please guide me i feel a lost little :)