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Adding Video's to the forum - SPVideo Lite | Forum

Shaun Nov 7 '15
Hi when I add a video to to forum post's I have noticed a couple of problems.

When using the link url adding a video works but i still get a red bar asking for me to "ENTER VIDEO CODE PLEASE". It works but could confuse my user's

Entering an embed code does not work at all. If I try to submit the video I get the same message as above in a red bar "ENTER VIDEO CODE PLEASE".

Has anyone else had this issue?
SongPhi Nov 7 '15
Hello Shaun,

I have just registered an account on your site to test it out.

Regarding the adding video by link, it works as expected, I don't know what is causing the "ENTER VIDEO CODE PLEASE" error for you, may be clicking it too soon, it needs couple of seconds after to paste the link and render the preview, then you can insert the video. Anyway I would improve this behavior in future releases.

I can confirm adding embed code is causing bug, I will release a bug fix tomorrow.

In the mean while, you can access the plugin's setting panel to disable the forum integration feature.

Detail steps in here:


Thank you for reporting the issue.


The Forum post is edited by SongPhi Nov 7 '15
Shaun Nov 7 '15
Thank you for the quick response, I will look out for the update.

Cheers Shaun

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