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Oxwall 1.8 update gives HTTP 404 | Forum

Kimmo Nov 12 '15
I did.... I get just 404.

Kimmo Nov 12 '15
This seems gone... a bit deep.
1.8 upgrade gives 404. 

I have problems restoring 47 Mb database to go back to 1.73.
Kimmo Nov 12 '15
With 1.7 I get:

unlink(/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_userfiles/themes/): Is a directory





Kimmo Nov 12 '15
I enabled but I get blank page. Let's leave it, I get it easier with new install. The site is not in use, it's not officielly opened yet, so I guess I just copy users and posts and such.
The Forum post is edited by Kimmo Nov 12 '15
Kimmo Nov 12 '15
Next question will be "what do I need to copy from the old database...." :).
ross Team
ross Nov 12 '15
Kimmo, I'm sorry for not responding my working shift was over. 

At what step are you right now. What exactly you already did? What errors or issues do yo have now? 

If this one: 

With 1.7 I get:

unlink(/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_userfiles/themes/): Is a directory





Please provide the whole error. 

Kimmo Nov 19 '15
I enabled debug and got blank page.

I started it over.

You're gonna hate me for this.... but this is the way I figured I'd probably get it working:

1. I installed Oxwall 1.8. With Installatron. For some reason, that was the only way I got it working in the first place.
The blank install was ok. I got 1.8 blank social media site and made myself admin.
2. Now, what I try to do is use this old database which I have, instead of the (almost) blank 1.8 database.
Results: I get plenty of results:

OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `photo_list_index` not found!File:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `links` not found!File:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/router.phpLine:262OW Debug - WarningMessage:include(/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_plugins/links/components/links_widget.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directoryFile:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/autoload.phpLine:110OW Debug - WarningMessage:include(): Failed opening '/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_plugins/links/components/links_widget.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php-5.5.30/share/pear')File:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/autoload.phpLine:110OW Debug - WarningMessage:call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'LINKS_CMP_LinksWidget' not foundFile:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_panel.phpLine:67OW Debug - ExceptionMessage:SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'status' in 'where clause'File:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/database.phpLine:720Trace:#0 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/database.php(720): PDOStatement->execute() #1 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/database.php(341): OW_Database->execute('SELECT * FROM t...', Array) #2 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/base_dao.php(89): OW_Database->queryForObjectList('SELECT * FROM t...', 'GROUPS_BOL_Grou...', Array, 86400, Array) #3 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_plugins/groups/bol/group_dao.php(101): OW_BaseDao->findListByExample(Object(OW_Example), 86400, Array) #4 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_plugins/groups/bol/service.php(227): GROUPS_BOL_GroupDao->findOrderedList(0, 3) #5 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_plugins/groups/components/groups_widget.php(79): GROUPS_BOL_Service->findGroupList('latest', 0, 3) #6 [internal function]: GROUPS_CMP_GroupsWidget->__construct(Object(BASE_CLASS_WidgetParameter)) #7 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/ow.php(483): ReflectionClass->newInstanceArgs(Array) #8 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/ow.php(447): OW::getClassInstanceArray('GROUPS_CMP_Grou...', Array) #9 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.php(306): OW::getClassInstance('GROUPS_CMP_Grou...', Object(BASE_CLASS_WidgetParameter)) #10 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_frontend_panel.php(110): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropItem->renderView() #11 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_smarty/template_c/6d9c190d9b54ee720b48bf3f14d6fbd892c43362.file.drag_and_drop_index.html.php(106): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropFrontendPanel->tplComponent(Array, Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #12 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_libraries/smarty3/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(180): content_564deb454d7215_95277139(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #13 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/view_renderer.php(101): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('/srv/disk1/1746...') #14 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/renderable.php(271): OW_ViewRenderer->renderTemplate('/srv/disk1/1746...') #15 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/component.php(80): OW_Renderable->render() #16 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/renderable.php(258): OW_Component->render() #17 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/component_panel.php(56): OW_Renderable->render() #18 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/request_handler.php(274): BASE_CTRL_ComponentPanel->render() #19 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/ow_core/application.php(342): OW_RequestHandler->dispatch() #20 /srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/2015/index.php(83): OW_Application->handleRequest() #21 {main}Type:PDOException
So. At least it's not a blank page.... :)

ross Team
ross Nov 19 '15
Please do the installation manually, their installation pack is corrupted, they still have plugin links installed, but Oxwall is no longer supporting this plugin. 
Kimmo Nov 20 '15
Kimmo Nov 20 '15
I restored this backup now so this is oxwall 1.7.4 (ow_version.xml says 1.7.3) , and site is visible at colossus.fi/ow/ .

I get:

OW Debug - WarningMessage:unlink(/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_userfiles/themes/): Is a directoryFile:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_system_plugins/base/classes/file_storage.phpLine:82OW Debug - WarningMessage:unlink(/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_userfiles/themes/): Is a directoryFile:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_system_plugins/base/classes/file_storage.phpLine:82OW Debug - WarningMessage:unlink(/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_userfiles/themes/): Is a directoryFile:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_system_plugins/base/classes/file_storage.phpLine:82OW Debug - WarningMessage:unlink(/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_userfiles/themes/): Is a directoryFile:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_system_plugins/base/classes/file_storage.phpLine:82OW Debug - WarningMessage:unlink(/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_userfiles/themes/): Is a directoryFile:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_system_plugins/base/classes/file_storage.phpLine:82

The Forum post is edited by Kimmo Nov 20 '15
Kimmo Nov 20 '15
There was two more I didn't first notice:

OW Debug - Notice

Message:Array to string conversionFile:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_smarty/template_c/db8e73623085d5ecdded39cefedd4c2bdeffd6ed.file.feed_item.html.phpLine:73

OW Debug - WarningMessage:file_put_contents(/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_log/error.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directoryFile:/srv/disk1/1746522/www/colossus.fi/ow/ow_system_plugins/base/classes/file_log_writer.php

The Forum post is edited by Kimmo Nov 20 '15
Kimmo Nov 22 '15

Quote from ross Please do the installation manually, their installation pack is corrupted, they still have plugin links installed, but Oxwall is no longer supporting this plugin. 

The backup is made with Oxwall backup plug-in, not by Installatron backup... is it ok???
Or do I have to install Oxwall 1.8 from scratch????!!!!

Quote from ross Please do the installation manually, their installation pack is corrupted, they still have plugin links installed, but Oxwall is no longer supporting this plugin. 
The Forum post is edited by Kimmo Nov 22 '15
ross Team
ross Nov 22 '15
Try to put 777 permissions recursively on the following folders: 





keep in mind the permissions should be set RECURSIVELY. see if the issues persist

Kimmo Nov 23 '15

Quote from ross Try to put 777 permissions recursively on the following folders: 





keep in mind the permissions should be set RECURSIVELY. see if the issues persist

It gives exactly same results.
On the bottom of page is line with following text: 
Oxwall: 1.7.3 (8710) Page: 2.456s | 13.750MB Request: PHOTO_CTRL_Photo::viewList Components: 21Events: 200 Database: 258qrs | 0.146s

With green text asking if I want to clear smarty and themes cache.
Which I also did, but I didn't channge anything.

The Forum post is edited by Kimmo Nov 23 '15
ross Team
ross Nov 23 '15
alright, try one more thing

in the root of the software there's ow_logs folder

rename it to ow_log and set it permissions to 777, see if the errors persist

ross Team
ross Nov 23 '15
as to the line at the bottom, go to ow_includes/config.php file

and turn off profiler by setting false instead of true or !false or whatever you have there

Kimmo Nov 23 '15
Now this Oxwall version 1.73 (?) seems to work ok and I got to backend.
I even updated some plugins successfully. I don't know what I should do.

There's probably just one little thing wrong somewhere. 

I have just this week time. This site is for finnish prog music magazine and
theyre having their 20 anniversary number out next week, which also will be last

number, and after that they should operate with this oxwall site. This site is not 

currently officially open yet.

The Forum post is edited by Kimmo Nov 23 '15
ross Team
ross Nov 23 '15
I'm sorry I don't understand. 

I just visited your site and there's no any error. See screenshot. Is your issue resolved or not?

  Screenshot from 2015-11-23 15:39:10.png (442Kb)
Kimmo Nov 23 '15

The issue is NOT resovled.

I've been working on it and the time you got there debug was probably off.
I tried to update it again to 1.8 and I succeeded – I got this "Site is up to date" -page,

BUT, the site was all blank. 

ross Team
ross Nov 23 '15
PM me your Cpanel access details and admin access details for the website, I'll take a look at the issue. 
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