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How to create admin panel for theme that i create? | Forum

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Layth Dec 5 '15

How to create admin panel for theme that i create?

Any simple guide for this? 
DeFender Dec 5 '15
admiin panel have its own theme
Layth Dec 5 '15
No ,mean for front end with advanced theme panel
ross Team
ross Dec 6 '15
Layth, what do you mean to change admin panel for the front end, please provide screenshot of that place
Layth Dec 7 '15

I mean add more sections here and more fields for theme control

ross Team
ross Dec 7 '15
If you open base.css file of any theme you'll find such comments: 

/** OW_Control type:image, key:backgroundPattern, section: 1. General Settings, label:2. Page background pattern **/

Those controls are added via these comments.

Layth Dec 8 '15
I have tried after a designer explained it for me two days ago but i cannot make it create new field 

Idont know what is the problem

The Forum post is edited by Layth Dec 8 '15
ross Team
ross Dec 8 '15
you need to indicate the correct, correct section name and section number(there should be no duplicates) as well as label number(there should be no duplicates)
Dnyan Dec 8 '15
Hi Layth,

I appriciate your efforts taken in designing and customisation.
Soon you will became good designer of theme.

Have a good day
Layth Dec 8 '15

Quote from ross you need to indicate the correct, correct section name and section number(there should be no duplicates) as well as label number(there should be no duplicates)
I will check this also thanks
Layth Dec 8 '15

Quote from Dnyan Hi Layth,
I appriciate your efforts taken in designing and customisation.Soon you will became good designer of theme.
Congratulations.Have a good day
Thanks Dnyan :)
Layth Dec 8 '15
Ok worked with 

You can check this as answered, i am able now to create new fields


ross Team
ross Dec 8 '15
What was the issue? Why did it not work before?
Layth Dec 9 '15
The line you gave me is making two or more elements controllable by "section >1 field >2"

/** OW_Control type:image, key:backgroundPattern, section: 1. General Settings, label:2. Page background pattern **/

For creating new field control i modified it like this "section: 3. colors , label:1. icons" 

This will create new section name(colors) first label name (icons)...

The Forum post is edited by Layth Dec 9 '15
ross Team
ross Dec 9 '15
Just like I said earlier, the section and label number should not duplicate. Glad you worked things out
Layth Dec 9 '15
Yes,thanks again :)
ali Apr 11 '23
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