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Deleted "Terms of use" in error.... | Forum

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John Dec 6 '15
While I was testing into the wee hours of the morning while I guess I should have been resting I deleted a line in error while in the admin dashboard.

While I was in the Admin Dashboard I was looking under the "Setting" area and in the "Language" section.  The very first statement for "Terms of use" was there. Not thinking clearly from lack of sleep, I added my terms of use under the "Custom" window bar.  When I realized what I had done I selected "Delete" in error and the whole string and option are gone.  

How can I reinstate this?

Note to self.... sleep when it's needed instead of testing!

DeFender Dec 6 '15
if I understood right, you have deleted something in languages. you have to look in what section you deleted this. and we can do a language backup for you. then simple import this language file

is it "base" section? then go to available languages and import this file

also you can add only this field, if you know what does it.

The Forum post is edited by DeFender Dec 6 '15
  lang-dump-06-12-15.zip (23Kb)
John Dec 6 '15
I am not sure where the file is located.. I did look through the folders to try to locate it.  I looked at the zip ans searched for specific wording that was used but it did not give any results.

Perhaps explaining a little more clear would help me.

I am in the Admin Dashboard.  - "/admin/settings/languages"

Using the left menu section - I click on "Setting"

Then "Language"

On this page there are values showing such as:
Original value: English (en)Translation: English (en)CustomTerms of Use{text key='ow_custom+mobile_page_14788567_title'}Terms of Use{text key='ow_custom+mobile_page_14788567'}AdminNew password is set for {$site_name} Your new password is {$password}{text key='admin+site_password_letter_template_text'}New password is set for {$site_name}<br> Your new password is <b>{$password}</b><br>{text key='admin+site_password_letter_template_html'}{$site_name}:New Password Set{text key='admin+site_password_letter_subject'}
The very first in this list was what I deleted, thus it is not showing in this example.  This is the line of code I am trying to reinstall.

I hope this makes it a little more clear.

I appreciate the great and prompt support this software receives by the way.

The Forum post is edited by John Dec 6 '15
ross Team
ross Dec 6 '15
John, if I understood you correctly

you have added value "terms of use" to the key (which one is one the left) which has nothing to do with that value (which is terms of use) and then you hovered over the value, got the delete button and deleted the key and the value and all this was under the Custom section, which you chose in the drop down menu. Is it correct? 

John Dec 7 '15
Hi Ross... that is pretty close to the scenario.  After pasting the "Terms of use" into the right hand column (the script values showing on the left), I realized I had placed it in the wrong location.  It was not able to be highlighted and deleted so I was scrolling upwards on the pasted side and I noticed the "Delete" (in red) to the right of where I pasted the text while I was hovering over the pasted context.  Without realizing exactly what it was going to do I click "Delete" and the whole string (option) was deleted.

So my quandary is how to get that function back.

ross Team
ross Dec 8 '15
John, the custom section has some empty values, which we used for test purpose and those empty ones are just a leftovers in the database. If you want to you can leave as it is, nothing harmful happened. 

Or if you want to I can send you the lang dump and you can import to restore that empty lang key, but it is really not necessary. 

The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 9 '15
John Dec 9 '15
If these values are nothing more then parts of prior coding it is fine as it is.  I have not found any issues with the actual implementation of the software.

Should an issue arise in the future I will  be sure to let you know.

A small note of encouragement and praise:

I have to admit... the support Oxwall Foundation provides for the software is sincerely next to none.  It is truly outstanding and certainly far better then the majority of free or paid software sites. I know this first hand.... having purchased a costly ($1500.00), social software in 2006 and I was given any script support at all, contrary to their advertising 100% free software support and updates.  None of which were ever given.

Please keep up the fantastic work and wonderful support.

Regards: John