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link bug #2 | Forum

Mark Nov 30 '10
I am trying to submit some megaupload.com links to my website and when i submit everything it says underneath the text box:

Url validator error!

"Please fill the form properly"

why does this happen? heres an example of how the links look:

Den Team
Den Nov 30 '10
Thanks for report. Will check and fix it.
Den Team
Den Dec 1 '10
We will include this bugfix in stable release.
Currently, you can fix it by yourself.
Open file ow_utilities/validator.php
Line: 40
replace value of constant URL_PATTERN with this value:
/^(http(s)?:\/\/)?((\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)|(([\w-]+\.)+([a-z,A-Z][\w-]*)))(:[1-9][0-9]*)?(\/?([\w-.\/:%+@&*=]+[\w- .\/?:%+@&=*|]*)?)?(#(.*))?$/