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Join Date Timestamp - CSV import | Forum

Tecca Dec 9 '15
Hey there,

At the moment, I'm using a Google Form to pre-register my members. Is there any way to use the UNIX timestamp created in the CSV and apply it to the user's "join date" profile field?

Everything else worked perfectly: username, email, real name, etc, but there's no option to choose when the user signed up.

Is this overlooked, left out for a reason, or planned to be added in the future? I prefer the accuracy of the user's "sign up" date as opposed to giving the entire bulk upload the same join date and UNIX timestamp.

Thanks and regards,


Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Dec 10 '15
This is a custom code modification of the plugin, you will need to do that on your own or hire a programmer to do that for you. You can do that here: http://www.oxwall.org/market/specialists
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