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Please explain the free / paid community system | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Damien May 15 '12
Hi, I just found this service, and was immediately enthusiastic about it, but then I checked wall.fm and saw the pricing. I initially thought it was a free open source product. However, as hosting does incur costs I can understand there will be some advertising or costs necessary.

What I do not understand, is about hosting the service myself.
I work for a large software company, and so, everything would need to be suitable to implement it on our site due to various costs.

Is downloading it and hosting ourselves free? Are there anything that requires being paid for when hosting ourselves?

Please provide further information.

(Sorry for asking so much. This is for work purposes, so I can not use a lot of time on this message. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks)
Joseph May 15 '12
you have to pay for your own host unless you run your own server for free but none the less all requirements must be met to host the script
Mark May 15 '12
if you are going to host the software yourself it is free (besides the obvious cost of paying for the web server) and the only conditions of using the software is the powered by logo and link must remain in the footer.
