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Amazon Image upload problem and 500 error on customize "Main page" | Forum

Chris Dec 14 '15
Ok so all of those folders you listed need 777 permissions? And just the folders, not the subfolders?

For the amazon bucket what exactly doi check? This is my first time working with S3. On that tutorial it said just check list, is that correct?

Chris Dec 14 '15
I double checked my folder permissions, all of those listed have 777 file permissions as well as the subfolders a well, so it has to be the amazon bucket sets that are off
ross Team
ross Dec 14 '15
recursively means set permissions for the subfolders too. 

do the search on the google how to set permissions recursively via filezilla

as to the amazon, there should be an actions option which lets you to make the bucket public. 

Chris Dec 14 '15
Still not working, I even changed my bucket url to because i saw it in another thread, still didnt work, still getting that 404 error
ross Team
ross Dec 14 '15
Make sure the path indicated in the 404 error for the file is in the bucket
Chris Dec 14 '15
What do you mean exactly? I attached another screenshot of the error

ross Team
ross Dec 14 '15
this path ow_userfiles/plugins/base/avatars 

pm me the screenshot of your amazon settings in the config.php file

Chris Dec 14 '15
Message send
ross Team
ross Dec 14 '15
bucket url - try it without https. just http see if the issue persists. 
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