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Евгений Dec 17 '12
After upgrading to 1.4.1 does not load picture

Recommendations from this post does not help http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/6586

Alia Team
Alia Dec 17 '12
Евгений, when you update the software all changes you did in .php and .html files are erased. So if you did follow instructions given at http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/6586 before you updated the software, then you will need to do them once more after the update.
Евгений Dec 17 '12
Get a blank page with an error. And with the original files are not displayed picture captcha
Евгений Dec 17 '12
Problem solved. It was all in the plugin My Substsribed http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/332. After removing CAPTCHA displayed.
Alia Team
Alia Dec 18 '12
Thanks for sharing what have caused this issue.
James Hart
James Hart Jun 11 '13
I'm having the same issue.  No captcha.  The GD library is installed, but Michael mentioned "TTfonts".  How do I know if those are installed?  

You know what would help?  How about a detailed list of "server requirements".   I've looked high and low on oxwall.org and I can't seem to find "server requirements" where it gives a long list of what is required to run this software.   How about a simple script that checks the server environment to see if everything is installed that is needed and if not, tells you what needs to be installed or changed in order to make it run?

James Hart
James Hart Jun 11 '13
Recap on the last post...  when php is compiled, TTF must be enabled along with GD.  If you are running cpanel with easyapache, don't forget those.. also PDO or you don't get out the door.  I do wish there was a simple check list of server requirements and settings.  Any thought of doing that and posting it?  TTF is not a default module to have installed.  It is certainly not provisioned on a brand new cpanel server.  (as well as PDO)
James Hart
James Hart Jun 11 '13
And look it here.. totally just stumbled upon it..


Server requirements!  This would have saved some headache!  That should be in the "installation requirements" in the docs!

Alia Team
Alia Jun 11 '13
Thanks for your feedback James. We will correct the docs to make things clear for users in future.
James Hart
James Hart Jun 13 '13
I mentioned in a previous post that  these settings: suhosin off and suPHP off are listed... I have those enabled on a cpanel server and it works like a champ.  I'm not having any issues with those being enabled.  I think cpanel is fairly standard with how it installs those.. not sure about other platforms and what effect it would have on oxwall.
beyondherd Feb 22 '24
Facing the same issue on my webpage Sliding Door Installation Naples. let me know if you got the solution for this issue. Thanks 
Alex Jones
Alex Jones Oct 9 '24
A celebration of exploration, eco-friendly values, and elegant textiles, Là Fuori brings together a global community of 'creative nomads' committed to promoting and protecting artisanal craftsmanship. La Fuori
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