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Pop-up window terms of use | Forum

Rob Dec 15 '15

Is it perhaps possible that for example the "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy" in a pop-up window can be opened without the menu. Only the text.! Even if these are to be opened during the sign up.

With best regards,


The Forum post is edited by Rob Jan 3 '21
Tecca Dec 15 '15
You can do this using Facebox fairly easily. I decided to do this on my site after I read this topic, it's a good feature!

Download: https://github.com/defunkt/facebox


After clicking "privacy policy" in that post, the popup comes up, as seen above.

I don't have time right now to write a tutorial, but I might write one up when I get the chance. Still have to go through and see the best way to implement it for the sign up page/footer links at the bottom. A contact form can probably be run through like this as well, just for something fancy.

Note that I saved my privacy policy as a .txt file. Saving them as .html files doesn't work without some workaround. But even then, HTML still works and displays through .txt files.

ross Team
ross Dec 15 '15
Topic was moved from General Questions.
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