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viewport meta tag.... why... | Forum

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Nathan Evans
Nathan Evans Dec 15 '15
why is there a viewport meta tag reducing my site, to almost unusable on moblie... and no i am not enabling the "mobile version" of the web site it's terrible and lacks functionality... 

I need to remove that viewport meta tag, and i can't find it in any of the files... which file do i have to edit to remove or change it. 

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 15 '15
Each theme has the document below. This is where the viewport line is located. Without a viewport setting you will be dong a lot of scrolling. Your changes will need to be re-done with each theme update since the update will overwrite your changes. You will need to set dev mode to true, and refresh your site after the changes. Then set dev mode back to false.

/ow_themes/your theme/master_pages/html_document.html
Tecca Dec 15 '15
Yes, the viewport is important. It's what helps make your site responsive. Just tinker around with your CSS using Chrome's inspector and try out all of the different mobile device settings that you can. It's not the viewport that's messing with the responsiveness, I believe. I can't remember, my copy of Simplicity is too far gone to be Simplicity anymore. It's slowly becoming very usable on mobile devices with the help of the viewport meta.

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 15 '15
Nathan. Took a quick look at your site. Looks like your running the darklets theme. It doesn't appear to have any responsive capability. Looks like most of what is changing in mobile views is just the screen size.
Nathan Evans
Nathan Evans Dec 15 '15
enabled the mobile version i am going to try and tweak it.... it would easier with a useful api, then i could an app... but as it stands attempting to poll data from the database is like pulling teeth... no api for me... 

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 15 '15
One consideration is to get one of the responsive themes in the store. You can then disable the Oxwall mobile version, and use the themes mobile capabilities.  Like Bryan; I have tweaked the basic Simplicity theme to make it mobile friendly, and even did a customized version with a background slider that is based on the Simplicity theme. I would put theme in the store for free, but a bit apprehensive about how I would be able to support the theme since I am not a pro at it. Just a user that likes to play around with the css, and media queries.
Nathan Evans
Nathan Evans Dec 15 '15
Yeah i am a programmer, making things do stuff is what i do, rather have an API and output results to json and build a propper app.... i am attempting to edit the mobile css theme for darlets but changing base.css does nothing...

probably doing it wrong, i monkey with code php etc, i hardly touch css..

i might look at how the mobile site handles data if i can modify it to output JSON that would be handy.... 

Nathan Evans
Nathan Evans Dec 15 '15
lolz frogot to put it in developer mode..

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 15 '15
It looked like the darklets theme would need a lot of work. The Simplicity theme has some media queries that work okay on tablets, and up, but I used them as a basis when I added additional media queries, and tweaked the existing ones. Some plugins are a pain since some aren't designed with mobile in mind. I did all of mine in the base css. Never touched the mobile css file.
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '15
Nathan did you manage to find the tags by following the path Darryl indicated?
Quote from Darryl B Each theme has the document below. This is where the viewport line is located. Without a viewport setting you will be dong a lot of scrolling. Your changes will need to be re-done with each theme update since the update will overwrite your changes. You will need to set dev mode to true, and refresh your site after the changes. Then set dev mode back to false.

/ow_themes/your theme/master_pages/html_document.html

Nathan Evans
Nathan Evans Dec 16 '15

no unfortunately not.... would you guys like access to IM or IRC? just fired up both systems for integration to my website.... which would be much easier with an API...

ross Team
ross Dec 17 '15
First of all one request per topic, 

You asked where you can find viewport meta tags, they are here /ow_themes/your theme/master_pages/html_document.html . please provide screenshot of your html_document.html file