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How long to mobile app to be finshed? | Forum

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jeo May 16 '12
I can see that oxwall dev as took my idea for mobile app & site thanks very much, also i would like to no how long it will be for releas date of this as i was asking for a very long time?

Keep up the good work.
Michael I.
Michael I. May 18 '12
We only started planning the application recently. We don't have any time rates for its development yet.
jeo May 27 '12
any info on how finshed this feature may be? i rely need it bad!
Gerald Rusche
Gerald Rusche Jun 2 '12
On 28 November 2011 Aka_Le_Mulder wrote: "we understand that mobile version is very important for a modern website and our team will develop it and add into Oxwall as soon as possible"

On 6th December 2011 Aka_Le_Mulder wrote: "of course our team will develop a mobile edition soon"

On 12 Januar 2012: "Mobile application is in our plans and of course it will be developed soon"

Sorry, bur it seems like oxwall do habe very strange perceptions of "soon"!

It took 6 mounth to start planning. So i expect it will take minimum 6 more to get something like a time schedule. And then in this schedule maybe, only maybe, some date in 2014 could be realistic for some kind of prototype... ;-)

Purusothaman Ramanujam
http://www.oxwall.org/roadmap says that its under progress.
Michael I.
Michael I. Jun 7 '12
Guys, we are not having a team large enough to make all ideas go live in a month or two. But we are growing and we will do everything best to complete our goals as soon as possible. Sometimes it is hard, but we are not giving up. 

Thank you for all your support.

Purusothaman Ramanujam
The best way is go 100% open if we are an open source app. Oen bug Tracker, good team support.. and more to get public support.