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User Registration | Forum

GLAS AUGE Dec 26 '15
Oxwall 1.8


how i can change that users only enter a username and password,
on the registration progress..

e-mail adress + repeat password + captcha.

( i use oxwall as communication tool for my frontwebsite )

can anyone help me?

Attach png file Example
The Forum post is edited by GLAS AUGE Dec 26 '15
  registerform.png (93Kb)
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 26 '15
This will be considered as a custom code modification. You will need to find a developer to assist with this.

You can try that here.
GLAS AUGE Dec 26 '15
it coasts money... no free knowledge avalible, here? :/

GLAS AUGE Dec 26 '15
it was the wrong forum for it? i am Sorry...
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 26 '15
Plenty of free assistance, but when the modification such as this involves heavy code modification to the Oxwall core to change all of the dependencies, checks, and balances that are tied to them, there is no quick answer that can be accomplished through a forum post. Someone very skilled in php, html, and javascript would have to look at the relationships to see if they can be changed.
Tecca Dec 27 '15
You're going to have to figure out the rest, but I figured it out for the password problem. I personally don't think it's user friendly to make people repeat passwords, and studies have shown that you get many more conversions with fewer fields. Anyway, onto it.

This will only affect the Join page itself, though there's one downside after registration: when changing your password, it will still require you to repeat your password. That's intended. But if you type the second password incorrectly, the error message will indicate you didn't type a correct password (showing an error for the first password field), instead of telling you they don't match. Just an error message problem, everything else stays the same.

Files to edit:

In join_index.html, find:
                    {if $question.name=='password'}
                        <tr class="{if $smarty.foreach.question.last}ow_tr_last{/if}">
                            <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass) && $question.trClass == 'ow_alt1'}ow_alt2{else}ow_alt1{/if} ow_label">
                                {label name='repeatPassword'}
                            <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass) && $question.trClass == 'ow_alt1'}ow_alt2{else}ow_alt1{/if} ow_value">
                                {input name='repeatPassword'}
                                <div style="height:1px;"></div>
                                {error name='repeatPassword'}
                            <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass) && $question.trClass == 'ow_alt1'}ow_alt2{else}ow_alt1{/if} ow_desc">
                                {question_description_lang name='repeatPassword'}

Either remove everything between the {if} {/if} statement, or replace with:
                    {if $question.name=='password'}
                        <tr class="{if $smarty.foreach.question.last}ow_tr_last{/if}" style="display:none;">
                            <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass) && $question.trClass == 'ow_alt1'}ow_alt2{else}ow_alt1{/if} ow_label">
                                {label name='repeatPassword'}
                            <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass) && $question.trClass == 'ow_alt1'}ow_alt2{else}ow_alt1{/if} ow_value">
                                {input name='repeatPassword'}
                                <div style="height:1px;"></div>
                                {error name='repeatPassword'}
                            <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass) && $question.trClass == 'ow_alt1'}ow_alt2{else}ow_alt1{/if} ow_desc">
                                {question_description_lang name='repeatPassword'}

join.php, Line 929:
$passwordRepeat->setRequired((string) $question['required'] === '1');

Change the '1' to a '0'
$passwordRepeat->setRequired((string) $question['required'] === '0');

password_validator.php, Line 65:
            return false;

Replace with true
            return true;

I would also recommend using something like hideShowPassword so that users can see the password they enter by toggling it on/off: https://github.com/cloudfour/hideShowPassword

There's a plugin in the store for that, but I don't think it's worth paying for when it's easy enough to add manually.
The Forum post is edited by Tecca Dec 27 '15
Tecca Dec 27 '15
Yep, that's why I recommended using a plugin that reveals passwords. Not a lot of people type in passwords incorrectly when they're registering for a new account. My edits should give a decent baseline on where else he needs to edit to remove the captcha and email address.


You also have the "forgot password" link, which should still work for those that may have messed up their password during registration.

Captcha I think should stay for 99% of websites, but the simpler the better. You don't want to put obstacles in front of potential members by putting too many fields to fill out in front of them, so I recommend using reCaptcha, where they just need to tick the box.

Email I think should be a priority, it gives you a powerful mailing list should you need one, and much less spam accounts. I believe this is more important overall than a captcha, if only because you get future benefits with emails.

Hopefully someone can come in and give a quick guide on the other things for the OP though. Everyone's project scope is different from the next guy.
ross Team
ross Dec 27 '15
Topic was moved from General Questions.
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