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[Resolved] Cannot Upgrade or Install Oxwall 1.8.1 | Forum

Musik Jan 11 '16

Hello. I'm getting an error message when attempting to send a gift. I originally thought this was due to the User Credits plugin but when checking the error console, it seems to be a javascript file within the ow_static folder. Help is much appreciated and I can PM details as needed.

Thanks! Screenshots attached.

Original thread in the the User Credits forum.

The Forum post is edited by Musik Mar 9 '16
ross Team
ross Jan 11 '16
Please switch to the default theme and disable all 3rd party plugin, leave only default Oxwall plugin and try to send the gift again, as we cannot reproduce the issue on our side. 
Musik Jan 12 '16
Ross, Skalfa noted that my site may be acting odd due to a failed upgrade attempt. I attempted to upgrade to 1.8 this last weekend but got a fatal error, so I restored my site back up. I planned to tackle it again this weekend when I'll have more time to troubleshoot. This somehow resulted in the e500.php file going missing. When I replaced it from a 1.7.5 file (this is my current site version), the error changed from "error" to "parsererror."

Still not sure what's up but I'm hoping completing a full upgrade will help. I'm still getting this when I disable plugins, too. I think something in the core went screwy because I didn't complete the upgrade. I included screenshots of the new error below.

  parsererror.PNG (158Kb)
  console-parsererror.PNG (14Kb)
ross Team
ross Jan 12 '16
Musik, have you tried to send the gift on the default theme?
Musik Jan 14 '16
Yes. Still seeing the same error. I'm planning on updating fully this weekend to see if this resolve the issue. I think there may still be a few 1.8.1 files lingering despite the back up but if I complete the update, I hope all is resolved. I'll update the thread with findings!

I appreciate the help. I'm really looking forward to getting this fixed up.

ross Team
ross Jan 15 '16
If the issue persists, please PM me your admin access details and Cpanel access details, I'll take look at the issue. 
Musik Jan 21 '16
Greetings. I followed the instructions to update my site but it still resulted in an error (white screen). I had to restore my site from a back up. The Virtual Gifts issue may be a tip of the iceberg. May I have assistance with this? Can PM details as needed.
ross Team
ross Jan 21 '16
Yes, Cpanel access details and admin website access details, if you don't have CPanel, then ftp access details and phpmyadmin
Musik Jan 22 '16
Thanks! PM sent.
ross Team
ross Jan 25 '16
Musik, I don't have admin rights, please grant
Musik Jan 25 '16
Sorry about that. I granted the site profile admin rights.
ross Team
ross Jan 25 '16
Musik, I have deactivated all 3rd party plugins on your website switched to the default theme and the badges(gifts) are sent without any problem. See screenshot, I'm sorry but I can't reproduce the issue on your website
  Screenshot from 2016-01-26 10:44:04.png (196Kb)
ross Team
ross Jan 25 '16
Do you still want me to update your site?
Musik Jan 25 '16

Quote from ross Do you still want me to update your site?
Is it still possible? When I tried to after disabling everything, it went boom. I'm a bit nervous that it might again.
ross Team
ross Jan 25 '16
You do have a backup, right?
Musik Jan 25 '16
I do. I've restored from back up twice from two failed updates to 1.8, hence the anxiety. I've considered updating manually to see if that could work better.

Since it seems to be working with the default theme, could the issue with Gifts be related to the theme I use (Exodus)?

Otherwise, I don't want to update tonight. I have work tomorrow and won't have time to restore custom modifications till late in the evening. I really appreciate the offer but don't want to deny my users the site for a whole day.

ross Team
ross Jan 25 '16
Well it is up to you. I believe there won't be any troubles with updating
ross Team
ross Jan 25 '16
as to the gift plugin issue, you can switch to this 3rd party theme and try to send gift, then enable 3rd party plugins one by one and see what exactly is causing the issue. 
Musik Jan 25 '16
Thanks, Ross. As for the update, no for tonight but I'm going to give it another shot this weekend. Just want to set aside the time needed to make sure everything's back in working order first. But you're awesome and thanks for taking a look. I'll let you know if I trip and fall on my face again.
ross Team
ross Jan 25 '16
Ok, keep me updated. 
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