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fatal error when i tried uploading a pic in chat | Forum

Anitaku Jan 13 '16
tried uploading an image via chat and all of a sudden the site when down and popped this error out:

Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND' in /home1/aegiswow/public_html/animebasket/ow_core/database.php on line 195

Can anyone tell me what went wrong and what I can do to fix it? :)

iDragon Solution Co., Ltd

In order to do is to open php.ini (e.g. on Windows:C:\Windows\php.ini, or on Ubuntu: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini or sg. like this) in a text editor, and remove the semicolon from the following line:


So as a result it would look like this in php.ini:

iDragon Solution Co., Ltd
A another solution (temporary solution) is to use INT value (1002) instead of constant.
The Forum post is edited by iDragon Solution Co., Ltd Jan 13 '16
Anitaku Jan 13 '16
I've tried reading this a few times but i'm lost every time. 

Are you referring to oxwall files via FTP. or actual windows files.

This has nothing to do with the PC and/or browser i'm on does it...? 

edit:  I should add, i'm running 1.8 - I haven't upgraded yet (mainly due to the chaos it seems to be causing across the forums)

The Forum post is edited by Anitaku Jan 13 '16
ross Team
ross Jan 13 '16
Phil, seems like there's no PDO module installed on your server, you need to contact your hosting provider to resolve this
Anitaku Jan 13 '16
Thanks mate. All fixed. :)

Apparently my php version was out of date.. 

ross Team
ross Jan 13 '16
Ok, great, thanks for letting us know