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problem with Mailbox for mobile devices | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
SentiRen Jan 30 '16
message box or mail box works perfectly fine for desktop version but as for mobile devices the user cannot minimize message cap. I tried in the base CSS to decrease the height of the message box by around 40% but seems helpless.

can anyone please help me..?

platform version:  1.8.1

Plugin_theme : Ethos

(attached how it looks in mobile device)

  2016-01-30 13.05.34.png (27Kb)
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 30 '16
Look at this post I did for this problem. You can apply those to @media queries to just size them for mobile dievice size. One additional thing I did was change the height of the mail message box to also get it to fit on mobile. When the keyboard popped up it shifted the input boxes at the top under the mobile header. Here is the code I used to size that. If you simply apply it without @media queries it will also resize them for the desktop view as well.

.ow_mailchat_new_message .ow_chat_mailchat_inputarea div.jhtmlarea {
    height: 100px;

The Forum post is edited by Darryl B Jan 30 '16
SentiRen Jan 31 '16
thank you
ross Team
ross Jan 31 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.