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Brett Feb 1 '16
I have been trying to get someone to contact me about the affiliate plug in, but the contact is not working or I'm being ignored.

I need to find out if the affiliate plug in can be modified to include a 2nd tier of affiliates.

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 3 '16
get use to it thats the way things are done around here 
Brett Feb 4 '16
Sucks that Skadate is ignoring this
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 4 '16
This is oxwall not skadate
Edgar Apalais
Edgar Apalais Feb 4 '16
Quote from Brett I have been trying to get someone to contact me about the affiliate plug in, but the contact is not working or I'm being ignored.

I need to find out if the affiliate plug in can be modified to include a 2nd tier of affiliates.

I bought affiliate plugin from oxwale , rest plugins from skadate. Now all plugins is blocked and oxwale store dont work for find my license number. I never see more bad service
Edgar Apalais
Edgar Apalais Feb 4 '16
Quote from Tammy get use to it thats the way things are done around here 
Oxwale block my plugins and nobody answer to my emails.  Most bad service champions
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 4 '16

Quote from Tammy get use to it thats the way things are done around here 

Brett Feb 6 '16
Has anyone come across a coder that can make changes to the plug ins?