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question on where I would be able to place this shoutbox? - Shoutbox | Forum

Ovidiu Feb 6 '16
hi, sorry if this is a dumb question, I am new to the administration of oxwall

if I install this plugin where will I be able to place it without having to write code?

will I be able to have a dedicated page/tab which will show only this plugin? a page/tab right next to "member","forums","groups","shoutbox" ?

if I can't place it there, where will I be able to place it? again, without having to code anything.

thank you

Unus Mar 23 '16
the answer is here:


and in short is like this: shoutbox is not a real plugin, it is a widget which is not very clear from its description and it is misleading the customers to believe they buy a plugin. they do not buy a plug in, they buy a widget. what this means? it means you can place it only on the dashboard or index page. if you want to place it on a different page (new page for example) you can't, you immediately will be asked to hire a developer. you'll not even get information on how to change the code (if you can code) to actually place it on a different page. 

this is not nice. I foresee I will give them a pretty bad review :(

Zaph Mar 23 '16
I do not mislead anyone. You can see the demo before buying the plugin and ask me if it is possible or not.

Also you do not know how the plugin works and claim that it is a widget and not a plugin. How the widget works then?

There is no separate page but you can place Shoutbox on the most common pages that support widget and change places as you wish without coding. You can place it on Index page, Dashboard, Groups page and it will be shown according to the group permission.

If you can code you will be able to place it anywhere, if not... well, you hire the developer.

Unus Mar 23 '16
"How the widget works then?"

I think you should know the difference between widget and plugin as a developer for oxwall platform.

this is not a plugin it is a widget and it should be clearly stipulated in the description.

because it is not it can lead people believe it is a plugin. 

one should not have to ask before it decides to buy this widget. all the information needed to take the decision SHOULD be written in the description. otherwise, sorry to brake it to you, but it is misleading. 

Zaph Mar 24 '16
Yes I know the difference and you probably not. Plugin in a term of Oxwall platform can contain widgets. There are not two entities that stand together side by side. And you can not develop widget separately. 

I do not make users to ask me. You can see a DEMO page and SCREENSHOTS before making a purchase. 

If you are not satisfied with plugin please uninstall it I will give you refund and withdraw a license

Unus Mar 24 '16
yes, please if you can please refund me (I already uninstalled it) BUT only if my review stays on the page as it is now. otherwise I do not want the money back I want the ones coming after me to see my review. 

N.B. if you lie to me and refund me and then take out the review I will buy again the so called plugin and publish my review again. be warned. 

thank you

about plugin vs widget: you and/or oxwall should get your terminology straight and defined clearly what a widget is and what a plug in is, what one can and can't do, and what is the relationship between them. right now it is not clear and thus can lead to misleading situations like this one.

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