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Email Language? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Marcus Feb 16 '16
My default language is Spanish but I also have English right! Now it seems that all notifications arrive in Spanish how about users that use English language?

You should add a setting for users to choose language in which they want emails to arrive!
ross Team
ross Feb 16 '16

Marcus, please, do the search before posting anything on the forum

Marcus Feb 16 '16
Sorry Ross. That is a really serious and basic bug. Please why would you make the script support more than one language yet missed this step.

Has to be fixed!
Shaun Feb 16 '16
Hi marcus, 

Have you considered editing the welcome message so it sends both languages but in the same email. 

Spanish at the top and english at the bottom.

Its not a fix but an option that may help you out in the short run.

ross Team
ross Feb 16 '16
Marcus, suggest a feature to uservoice, please see Alia's reply: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/11865?page=1#post-59959
Marcus Feb 17 '16
@Shaun heaving 2 languages would not be too professional looking :)

I have an idea can someone with a bit of coding experience help me out here!

Create a profile question (Single choice (radiobutton)) which will contain languages like in my case: English and Spanish. Make it required!

Now go to the file that generates emails and a simply use user question services to check for the value and depending on the value force the language!

Can someone please tell me which php file do I have to edit the rest looks easy.