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Oxwall plugin updater | Forum

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Sean Feb 17 '16
Can someone give me some information on how the oxwall plugin updater works?

When a plugin is flagged as out of date and you click update, what process happens?

What does oxwall read in order to update the plugin? Is the cache automatically refreshed?

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 17 '16
The version number fires off the call that theres a update

When user click update it downoads all the new files and then looks in the update folder for update info 

Cache seams to be cleared for new files 

Update folder for new llanguage and pages etc 

Look in any plugin for the update folder and look at how its done photos plugin is goid example

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Feb 17 '16
ross Team
ross Feb 17 '16
Tammy +1
Sean Feb 19 '16
When I update the build number in the plugin xml file, is that also the folder number that I have to put in the update folder?

I've noticed some plugins have a much higher build number in the xml file than there is in the updates folder.

ross Team
ross Feb 21 '16
Not really, the number may not match, the number of the update folder is arbitrary and does not relate to the build number is plugin.xml

usually update folder contains functionality on updating database or langs

but if you do the changes in the source code of the plugin and you have not done any or don't need to apply new langs or other manipulations with the database, in this case you up only your plugin build -> so that means even though the plugin is updated, the changes were done in the source code itself. 

if there's any changes in the DB or langs, then the update folder is included with the higher number than previous update folder. I hope I made it clear for you. 

Sean Feb 22 '16
Hi ross, I understand. Thank you for your help.
ross Team
ross Feb 22 '16
No problem