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oxwall chat standard not work | Forum

max1970 Feb 19 '16

Thank you in advance for your support.

I explained why the standard chat only if I log in as admin I see the logoed users list?

If you log in as users should not be anything even user searches?

thanks for help

ross Team
ross Feb 21 '16
I'm sorry but it is hard to understand what the issue is, please provide screenshot of the issue and elaborate it. Thanks. 
max1970 Feb 22 '16

Let me repeat the chat

the users list and only friends?

or the list and complete all online?

because user (test) results green chatting but not branded and not online?

thanks for the kindness.

ross Team
ross Feb 22 '16
the chat toggle shows all your friends or people you had a conversation with, which are either online or all of them
ross Team
ross Feb 22 '16
I don't understand what the issue is from the screenshots you provided. 
max1970 Feb 22 '16

User offline, but Green? why?


tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 22 '16
your cron is not set right 
max1970 Feb 22 '16
can j see these
ross Team
ross Feb 22 '16
Tammy +1

your cron is not working or not properly configured. please do the search on the forum before posting anything, this topic been discussed a bunch of times. 

max1970 Feb 22 '16

come imposto? ..

max1970 Feb 22 '16
topic --- cron set tanks
ross Team
ross Feb 22 '16
yes this is the manual
max1970 Feb 22 '16
ok cron is set bu 

user: test2 is online green color

but offline

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 22 '16
cron is not corectly working if users are stay online 
whats your ulr for ur site

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 22 '16
i just run ur cron manual here

check ur users should be offline now
max1970 Feb 22 '16
ok no user online
max1970 Feb 22 '16
no user online
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 22 '16
fix your cron
use this plugin it will show when ur cron is running


max1970 Feb 22 '16

is working?

currently found only online friends list.

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