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SSL Certificate | Forum

E.D. Feb 26 '16
for our side, we now want to get a SSL Certificate
so that the page about hhtps: // is reached.

What changeovers are then required
Den Team
Den Feb 29 '16

Hello E.D

This is simple as 1-2-3:

- Purchase a certificate from authorised company

- setup it with your hosting

- refelect protocl changes in SITE_URL constant in ow_includes/config.php

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 29 '16
you left out 4-5-6-7-8-9-10
-Edit ow_core/application.php to part fix the stupid url rewrite problem that oxwall wont fix

Remove or comment out the line 527: $this->httpVsHttpsRedirect();

Line 941:
            $markup = str_replace("http:", "https:", $markup);

Replace with:
            $markup = str_replace("", "", $markup);

Line 945:
                $search[$index] = str_replace($matches[2][$index], str_replace("http:", "https:", $matches[2][$index]), $search[$index]);

Replace with:
                $search[$index] = str_replace($matches[2][$index], str_replace("", "", $matches[2][$index]), $search[$index]);

-6-7-8-9-10 problems theres no fix for yet 

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 29 '16

Quote from Den

Hello E.D

This is simple as 1-2-3:

- Purchase a certificate from authorised company

- setup it with your hosting

- refelect protocl changes in SITE_URL constant in ow_includes/config.php

please stop making people think oxwall works ssl when it does not 
E.D. Feb 29 '16
So Oxwall not work with ssl?
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 29 '16
half works with them fixes 
Unus Mar 14 '16
don't by ssl certs

use letsencrypt.org

they provide free ssl certs and they can be setup to renew automatically

like Tammy says oxwall works half way with ssl; you can enable it after you install the cert but if any of you customers/clients/users are pasting a http link to an image anywhere where they can input text the browswer loading that page will scream that it is not secured. it will end up with a very weird experience in the end.

also not to mention that if you had your sited on http for awhile and then you make the switch you will have in the static html links to images with which you'll have to find and correct to manually yourself. overall I would say oxwall and https right now it is not really working. it is BUT...

I am big on security and also big on good users exeperience, if we write to oxwall team and we let them know this is important then they might actually fix it.

Marcel van Rooijen
Marcel van Rooijen Jul 29 '17
my site is ssl but no images show on frontend, anybody?
TonyKa Mar 4 '18
Hi Den,

isnt there any complete guide for this?

Also if i change the config, i do not need to edit / run a script in SQL? How i will convert all http to https in the database?

Many thanks
Quote from Den

Hello E.D

This is simple as 1-2-3:

- Purchase a certificate from authorised company

- setup it with your hosting

- refelect protocl changes in SITE_URL constant in ow_includes/config.php

Tesla Kuhn
Tesla Kuhn Jan 7 '19

Quote from Tammy you left out 4-5-6-7-8-9-10
-Edit ow_core/application.php to part fix the stupid url rewrite problem that oxwall wont fix

Remove or comment out the line 527: $this->httpVsHttpsRedirect();

Line 941:
            $markup = str_replace("http:", "https:", $markup);

Replace with:
            $markup = str_replace("", "", $markup);

Line 945:
                $search[$index] = str_replace($matches[2][$index], str_replace("http:", "https:", $matches[2][$index]), $search[$index]);

Replace with:
                $search[$index] = str_replace($matches[2][$index], str_replace("", "", $matches[2][$index]), $search[$index]);

-6-7-8-9-10 problems theres no fix for yet 

i understand it has been 3 years since you posted this. is there a way to find these on their new lines, and receive any updated instructions? any help is most appreciated. tyvm.
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Jan 7 '19
Did you already setup an SSL certificate? If yes, do you have any problems?
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Jan 7 '19
Topic was moved from General Chat.
Alexander Mirvis
Alexander Mirvis Jan 21 '19
Any ideas on how to get images pulled via SSL? Keep getting this error and I checked everything.
  ssl.jpg (739Kb)
AppXprt Jan 21 '19
Seen this a few times...

a single insecure element will break all SSL, so have to check which element / photo is causing the issue. I would say it's probably a base / plugin issue.

Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Jan 21 '19
Please don't double post. Please use the following topic to discuss about your report: https://developers.oxwall.com/forum/topic/63622
Hybrid Feb 14 '19

Quote from Alexander Mirvis Any ideas on how to get images pulled via SSL? Keep getting this error and I checked everything.

If anyone is still struggling with Mixed Content issues even after trying all the possible solutions provided on the Oxwall Forum, try this:

Why not just add this to your page settings "Custom Head Code" --> Go to Admin Dashboard --> Settings --> Page Settings --> Add this meta tag to your "Custom Head Code" section:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">

For a deeper understanding, please refer to the following: https://developers.google.com/...fixing-mixed-content

Sergey Dec 14 '20

Quote from tammy harris you left out 4-5-6-7-8-9-10
-Edit ow_core/application.php to part fix the stupid url rewrite problem that oxwall wont fix

Remove or comment out the line 527: $this->httpVsHttpsRedirect();

Line 941:
            $markup = str_replace("http:", "https:", $markup);

Replace with:
            $markup = str_replace("", "", $markup);

Line 945:
                $search[$index] = str_replace($matches[2][$index], str_replace("http:", "https:", $matches[2][$index]), $search[$index]);

Replace with:
                $search[$index] = str_replace($matches[2][$index], str_replace("", "", $matches[2][$index]), $search[$index]);

-6-7-8-9-10 problems theres no fix for yet 

Oh! Thank you very much! My head already started to ache from"err too many redirects"
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