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big database only 600 users.... | Forum

Jordi Mar 10 '16
Ok ross thanks... 

i gonna monitor it

Jordi Mar 11 '16

when i run that query there are still a few items. And when i change the time stamp in the query to a day later then many more show up.

is this ok?

ross Team
ross Mar 11 '16
Just keep checking whether there's a record appearing in ow_newsfeed_cron_command, if it is, then everything is ok, that means the cron is running and records are being deleting
Jordi Mar 11 '16
ok. i gonna chech that.


Jordi Mar 11 '16
that table is empty 
ross Team
ross Mar 11 '16
I don't know, I just checked the table is not empty. 

The actions are being deleted. 

There can't be records everytime of course, the cron should run and there should be expired activity. 

  Screenshot from 2016-03-11 13:40:41.png (282Kb)
Jordi Mar 11 '16
ok thanks again!
Jordi Mar 11 '16
ross i dont know whats wrong.... but somthing is wrong. the email cron inst running anymore
Jordi Mar 11 '16
i had to do a manual run in order to sent al emails
ross Team
ross Mar 11 '16
what do you mean email cron is not running anymore?
Jordi Mar 11 '16
i looked the the cron was frozen or somethin?. The where a lot of emails in `ow_base_mail` so i did a manual cron run. Now they are sent. Afther that i send a few emails for testing. And the are send in a few minutes. 
ross Team
ross Mar 11 '16
When you were testing did you also run cron manually? 

Jordi Mar 11 '16
yes i did and then it send all emails... and now the cron is running in normaly. but somthing strange is going on there
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 11 '16
look at your server mails and see how long cron is running 
mine is 63 to 95 seconds so with cron set at one minute the cron has not finished running before it try fire another one off and they cancel each other out

i have try explain this problem in another thread that needs to be locks on process so another can not fire if its still running from the last run 
cron needs to be 2 or more different runs not one run it just to much

because my cron is 63 to 95 seconds to run changing my run from every minute to every 2 minutes got it to work

ross Team
ross Mar 11 '16
What exactly do you find strange, Jordi? I can't go over your whole website looking for something strange. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 11 '16
Jordi Mar 11 '16
I know... i will monitor the cron good from now.. and see whats going wrong and will get back with more details.
ross Team
ross Mar 11 '16
Alright, keep us updated. 
Unus Mar 14 '16
hi Jordi, can you please share the vps configuration (RAM, CPU, HDD) for the site you say you have 600 ursers ? thank you.
Jordi Mar 14 '16
its a 8 core 32gb ssd vps
Unus Mar 14 '16
geez! and you still have performance issues with ONLY 600 users on this configuration??!! I am stunned. 

32Gb RAM?! 8 cores? am I getting this correctly?

man I am tempted to run as far away as possible from oxwall then...

can you please share a bit of your experience you had so far with this platform?

if you'd have to take it from the beginning you'd still chose this one?

The Forum post is edited by Unus Mar 14 '16
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