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replace top links with icons? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Marcus Mar 14 '16
How do I turn:


into icons?
ross Team
ross Mar 14 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 14 '16
messages and notifications will be easy just go the plugin languages and find the word and replace with html for a icon 

user name i dont know

or theres a few themes that do this  simplicity does it in admin so you can look its css to find out how its done 
Marcus Mar 14 '16
I am afraid it has to be CSS fix

tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 14 '16
just go simplicty theme and use firebug to find the css for it and play with it in ur admin theme customs css 
Marcus Mar 14 '16
Yes thanks big time. I did just that all it needs is background and set font-size to 0
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 14 '16
set font-size to 0 is not good google thinks your hide something 
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 14 '16
try use display none 
Marcus Mar 15 '16
Franz Stollenwerk this is internal page so it's cool + you need to hide text case you will be using background