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OW-Ghost Mar 27 '16

I thinking install cloudflare ,should i do it?

will my pages speed bee much better?

will i get problems when i install it or something i should think about?

i see oxwall have a plugin for this do i need it?

ross Team
OW-Ghost Mar 28 '16

Okey thanks ross i will check that link

why is there a oxwall plugin for this? do i really need that plugin?
ross Team
ross Mar 28 '16
This plugin just implements the CloudFlare service. You can integrate this service manually through the code and repeat the integration every time you perform the platform update. Or simply install this plugin and configure it once for all.
OW-Ghost Mar 28 '16
i have now updated to cloudflare and install the plugin on my site.

but i did not find this setting? -----> CDN + basic optimizations (faster)   ??

where i find that setting?

and should i enable rocket loader or just have that one off in the settings

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Mar 28 '16
ross Team
ross Mar 28 '16
The settings for cloudlflare changed, now there's no CDN + basic optimization as on the screenshots. 

As to the rocket loader it is up to you. But keep in mind you can have some issues with the javascript files and rocket loader sometime changes the extension of the js files. But it is up to you

OW-Ghost Mar 29 '16
okey thanks i will have rocket loader off i no want have problem on my site
OW-Ghost Mar 31 '16
i get this message in my browser console after cloudflare installed?

(index):1057 GET https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

OW-Ghost Apr 2 '16
i uninstall cloudflare it was not make my website faster at all and cloudflare was not support third part plugins here at oxwall. i have no time spend to make it work for plugins that is dead after 1 and 2 years on oxwall store. 
JoshWho Apr 3 '16
Cloudflare works awesome if you know how to use it correctly. Check out my site. I use cloudflare https://www.buddylist.co/user/JoShWhO
OW-Ghost Apr 3 '16
i checked you site here https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

and you have very low score i have better score but not use cloudflare at all?

i have try use cloudflare and not use cloudflare and there is no changes on googles page speed at all.

and for me is importen have page speed on google tools

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Apr 3 '16
JoshWho Apr 4 '16
Google's test is horrible. Use gtmetrix at least.     https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.buddylist.co/uiFJdAeG

another good one   http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/dfNqM8/www.buddylist.co

The Forum post is edited by JoshWho Apr 4 '16
OW-Ghost Apr 4 '16
i think if you ask google they would not say same to you JoshWho.

they the boss tell if your website will rank high or not on google.

and for me rank high on google for have good speed with googles tool is only interesting part.

and yes i agree you score was horrible try make it better if you care about ranking at google

they did not make that tool just for fun. they my boss and i just have to follow them even you other tools are give you better speed it not looks so in googles measure tools

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Apr 4 '16
JoshWho Apr 4 '16
I have to disagree with you. I been doing this stuff for a very long time and I know what I am doing. If you believe all the gimmicks out there on the net then you are a fool my friend.  Besides Pr is no longer a factor now. Your site is now rated by how viral it is. My site in this report loads in 0.43 seconds. That is pretty fast. 
The Forum post is edited by JoshWho Apr 4 '16
OW-Ghost Apr 4 '16
yes if you not believe google and call them gimmicks then i think there is no rules follow more then you own rules

anyways keep up you work and i keep up my and follow google. i will not stop you trust me :)

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Apr 4 '16
JoshWho Apr 4 '16
Do me a favor.   Search the word  Buddylist   Tell me who you see as number one. Not counting ad space.
The Forum post is edited by JoshWho Apr 4 '16
JoshWho Apr 4 '16
OW-Ghost Apr 4 '16
lol if you was not number 1 on google i was suprised because  that is you domain name. my domain name is number 1 on google to and i think it was from the start i was create it. lol i think that not shows anything
JoshWho Apr 4 '16
It doesn't work off your domain any more. There latest update stops that.
JoshWho Apr 4 '16
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