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Fundraising/Crowdraising Plugin | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Annalise Mar 31 '16

Can anyone please tell me how to remove the DONATE buttons from the Fundraising/Crowdraising plugin? I added my own custom donate buttons to my Fundraising Projects, so I would like to remove the DONATE buttons that are part of this plugin by default.
Thanks in advance!

ross Team
ross Apr 3 '16
Contact plugin developer directly, as we do not provide assistance with 3rd party items. 
Annalise Apr 4 '16
I figured it out myself YAY high five for me :D
OW-Ghost Apr 4 '16
congratulations! the best is to do it you self always :)
Annalise Apr 4 '16

Thanks you guys!

To remove the default Donate button, go to this file:


Line 42... add these {*  *} to the code, 

like this:

{if $project.dto->status == 'active'}<div class="ow_center">{*decorator name='button' langLabel='ocsfundraising+donate' id="btn-donate"*}</div>

Also, enable dev mode to refresh you site's cache, then disable it again. And voila. Hehe. :P


The Forum post is edited by Annalise Apr 5 '16
Annalise Apr 5 '16
You are most welcome :)
Roselyn Gonzales
Roselyn Gonzales Sep 7 '22
Digitalization in fund raising is something that I did not know before, and I am surprised by the information about it. I am now getting more interested in Crowdfunding and will do further research about it. Let's see how it goes.