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Idea for "solve momentarily" slow site with a lot of user (need a plugin maker) | Forum

Simone Apr 1 '16

i have an idea for solve MOMENTARILY slow oxwall site with a lot of user.

We understand that the cause of slowless are the number of friends associated to newsfeed dashboard.

If an user have more of 150 friends, his dashboard with newsfeed widget will be very slow (from 15 to 60sec. load time) and all the server get slow.

But if we remove this newsfeed dashboard module it will load page in 1 second and all the site will be not slow.

So if we create a plugin that remove dashboard newsfeed from user that have more of 150 friends we will are able to use oxwall site until oxwall team find a solution for this issue.

Anyone interested of this?


Users with more 150 friends -> Hide dashboard's newsfeed

Users with less 149 friends ->  Show dashboard's newsfeed

Is it difficult to make this plugin?

Thank you

ross Team
ross Apr 4 '16
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.
Yevhen May 16 '16
Easy! Create role before 150 and after. Create visibility of newsfeed only for the first and just change the role =) Manually =)