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concern about an ip calling the plugin - Extended Questions | Forum

Joseph Jun 22 '12
hi I have noticed an ip[ that calls this script a lot it doesnt load a lot of data but does run a process a lot are you familiar with this ip? if not please let me know I am trying to determine what ip's to block
Sergey Kambalin
Sergey Kambalin Jun 25 '12
Hello Joseph,
I have not saw this IP before. What url is called from the IP?
Joseph Jul 10 '12
well only when I install this plugin I get a ip that calls to it and causes major server spikes no other plugin does this
Joseph Jul 19 '12
it seems it calls to an external ip several hundred times a minute sadly this causes some extreme over use
Sergey Kambalin
Sergey Kambalin Jul 20 '12
Hello Joseph,

Could you tell me which script is called by the IP you have mentioned.


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