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Feature request | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Srirangaraj N C
Srirangaraj N C Jun 24 '12

Is it possible to add navigation to images in the full-size section of the images??

If yes, please do guide me how to do so...

I meant in this section:

I know it is a direct link to the image, but it would have been better if we could link the "view full-size" to a page where the whole album could be navigated under the full-size...

Also, can we enable users to re-order the images in the album?

Please do let me know

Many thanks in advance.


p.s: sorry if this is the wrong thread, It would be better if there is a thread for "feature suggestion"
The Forum post is edited by Srirangaraj N C Jun 28 '12
Michael I.
Michael I. Jun 27 '12
You should submit a suggest to the oxwall.uservoice.com and we will implement it if it receives many votes.