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Since I upgraded to 1.82 I cannot delete users [SOLVED] | Forum

Omari Apr 15 '16

Hi guys, since I installed 1.82 yesterday, I cant delete users. I get a 500 error when I try.

folderpage.com is currently unable to handle this request.


Aditionally these errors come up when i try to debug



Undefined variable: attrNameFile:/home/idashoco/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/theme_service.phpLine:624

Message:Undefined offset: 1File:/home/idashoco/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/theme_service.phpLine:634

Please help, 


My site uses Amazon s3 cloud in Oxwall config

I also tried restoring all default themes but no luck
And I disabled all plugins but no luck
Users can be suspended
Other content can be deleted.

The Forum post is edited by Omari Apr 19 '16
ross Team
ross Apr 17 '16
Does your server meet our server requirements: http://www.oxwall.org/hosting
ross Team
ross Apr 17 '16
What is your php version? 
Omari Apr 19 '16
Thanks for your reply Ross,

You can mark this thread as solved. I contacted my server admin to update to php 5.5 and that solved the issue of deleting users.

However I still see these errors when I debug



Undefined variable: attrNameFile:/home/idashoco/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/theme_service.phpLine:624

Message:Undefined offset: 1File:/home/idashoco/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/theme_service.phpLine:634
ross Team
ross Apr 19 '16
Where do you see them? 
Are you using default theme or 3rd party one? 

Are those notices or warnings?

Omari Apr 19 '16

I get these OW warnings in yellow regardless of what theme I use.

Now when I try to switch themes I get this:



The Forum post is edited by Omari Apr 19 '16
Omari Apr 19 '16

I'm running apache 2.2 and php 5.5 on my server configured by justhost through easyapache 3 in my whm panel.

my domain in http://folderpage.com

ross Team
ross Apr 19 '16
You're not eligible to remove Oxwall attribution from your website. 
Omari Apr 20 '16
of course I am. this is the second time you have asked me this
Omari Apr 20 '16
you yourself sent the email:

ross <donation@oxwall.org>ToOmari Job07/31/14 at 1:07 AM

Thank you for your donation.
We have added you to the list of our donators at 
Let me know if you don't want your name or website to be publicly 
visible on this page.

Follow instructions given bellow to remove the attribution links from

ross Team
ross Apr 20 '16
Are you sure you provided us with this domain name: folderpage.com ?
Omari Apr 20 '16
I provided limeradar.com but switched the name to folderpage.com shortly after. Neither are in your database it seems because i just checked.
ross Team
ross Apr 20 '16
www.limeradar is in the database. See screenshot. We'll change it to folderpage.com asap. 

As to the notices, make sure you don't have debug and dev mode enabled at the same time. 

  Screenshot from 2016-04-20 13:08:29.png (496Kb)
Omari Apr 20 '16
And do you have any suggestions about the theme change errors? As it stands right now I can't switch themes. It says diverging about a licence error
The Forum post is edited by Omari Apr 20 '16
ross Team
ross Apr 20 '16
First, you need to enable openssl in php.ini and restart your server. 

Then go to the My purchases section and click on "restore" button next to the theme you're using, then enter the license again. Make sure you're using the item on one domain only. Otherwise you need to obtain another copy. 

Omari Apr 20 '16
Restore? Is this in my admin panel or under purchases at the oxwall store?
ross Team
ross Apr 20 '16
In Oxwall Store
Omari Apr 20 '16
yea i checked for that option a few times at the store but there is no option to "restore" in the store so i am not sure what to do
Omari Apr 20 '16
also i dont think i have a php.ini. i have a php configuration editor in my WHM panel. so please advise what to change
ross Team
ross Apr 20 '16
Contact your hosting provider support team to assist you with this. Request to enable openssl module
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