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why there is no official oxwall app by oxwall foundation ? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
ariana disoza
ariana disoza Apr 16 '16
why oxwall foundation is not developing official app for oxwall ? while skadate did it for their script ? 
Justin Trovalds
Justin Trovalds Apr 16 '16
yes please develop it
ross Team
ross Apr 18 '16
Because application requires additional services to be included, like app customization, app store submission, In-apps purchases. Ttherefore it requires additional paid services, which we cannot provide now and for free as we are don't have enough human resources to do that, and you won't be able to do that on your own, as it requires knowledge of 3rd party application and programming language
WOO Apr 18 '16
I think he (we) will pay for the APP.

There is APP in the store. May he only trust your team.

Quote from ross Because application requires additional services to be included, like app customization, app store submission, In-apps purchases. Ttherefore it requires additional paid services, which we cannot provide now and for free as we are don't have enough human resources to do that, and you won't be able to do that on your own, as it requires knowledge of 3rd party application and programming language

Seyed Apr 18 '16
So, is there any third party app which is approved or recommended by Oxwall team, so people can trust and buy?
Oxwall Tips
Oxwall Tips Apr 18 '16
Not any I am aware of. Agree with Ross... App development is quite an expensive thing especially for multi-featured scripts such as Oxwall
WOO Apr 18 '16
a good responsive theme maybe a solution?