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Plug in feature question - Password Protected Photo Albums | Forum

Anitaku Apr 18 '16
Can admin/moderators send a photo to a private album if they come across a photo that isn't suitable for everyone. 

Eg. My site doesn't allow pornographic material to be shared, etc but I want to get this plug in to let members upload whatever photos they want and they need to put them into private/18+ protected albums. 

If my mods and/or I come across a photo that should have been made private, can we do that? 

Thanks! :) 

Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Apr 18 '16
Hello Phil,

Yes, the site admin/moderator can edit the users' albums to make them private or even delete. You can test it at our demo site: https://demo.oxwall.com/

Login using the demo user:

Username: demo

Password: demo

Upload a photo, then login as the site admin:

Username: admin

Password: demo

Go to the demo user's album and click the 'Edit' button.

Anitaku Apr 18 '16
Awesome. Thanks :) 
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Apr 19 '16
You are welcome.
Anitaku Apr 21 '16
So i purchased it. Seems to work well enough.

I would however like to suggest something.

The same way you've set it up to show the Protected Photo cover image when someone without access is viewing it, but could you make it easier for moderators/admins to well, moderate by making it so when admins see the protected images (or when anyone with access can see it) it could show a small lock icon in one of the corners.

That way admins and people viewing it know whether they are looking at a protected album photo or not, otherwise we have to go into edit the photo to find out. 

Anitaku Apr 21 '16
I just noticed there is a lock icon on the photo title. That works great.

However, it would be nice to have some type of lock icon show on the newsfeed version of the pictures as well. 

Other than that, i love the plug in. You did a fantastic job with it.

Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Apr 25 '16
Phil, thank you for the suggestion, we will forward it to our product designers.
Peter Jun 17 '16
Hi, Is there anyway that the user who placed the images under protection able to grant access by a users request other than a password??

For example if i wanted to view a users private pictures i would click "request access" and the owner of the files would then get a notification asking if i could access the images/folder

hope that makes sense :)
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Jul 6 '16
Hello Peter,

No, there is no such possibility. It requires the code modification.

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