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smtp issues with godaddy | Forum

Lukasz g
Lukasz g Apr 20 '16

hey guys,

I'm trying to get my smtp email going on our site and I keep getting smtp connection failed.

when I send out an email invite it does show up in the ow_mail db and then disappears so that leads me to believe that the cron is correct.

godaddy did put a mail_test.php file on the server and they were able to send php mail, smtp, all without a problem.

I can access my email inbox from web interface or phone so its not a godaddy access issue.

are there any firewall issues that need to be checked? What does oxwall require to be open?

ross Team
ross Apr 22 '16
There's nothing Oxwall requires to be open. 

Based on our experience Goddady is not willing to work with the 3rd party SMTPs and allows only their SMTP to be used. 

Are you using their smtp or which one? 

ross Team
ross Apr 22 '16
dave Leader
dave Apr 22 '16
I wanted to chime in on this one only because a user here asked me about this very thing last night and so i did some testing.  

What i found is this:  

You have to play with the settings because every host is different, however one thing i found that is pretty constant on the host side is that they want you to use the format name@site.com  for your username.  I have found this to be incorrect when it comes to the actual working process.  

I have found that using the format name+site.com as the username works almost 99.9% of the time.  Now that could be a host related delimiter or whatever but i have found that using + instead of @ most always works. 

Also what i found as far as the other settings is this..   

First what you need to do is pull up your cpanel (if your using cpanel) mail accounts page and click the MORE button next to the email account, then click on config mail client link. 

You should have two sides, a secured side on the left and a unsecured on the right.  If you only have the unsecured it means that your vps/dedicated/host server has not set up the secured email options from within the root access of the server. 

Now once you see those two sides you will need to play sort of hit and miss here a bit.  What i found is that if you put in the wrong info and press test connection then oxwall will take forever like 2-3 min to respond, it sort of freaks out a bit but it will come back you just need to wait. 

Now on the settings themselves. 

For host my host had some long formatted link they wanted me to use, did not work.  What worked and what seems to always work is mail.site.com

For the port i used the secured side outgoing SMTP port number

Username again    name+site.com   (use the + sign not the @ sign)  if you find that the @ sign works please let me know and i will correct this text but i have never been able to get the @ sign to work on any of my servers before. 

Pw is password as normal

Then for secure connection i use SSL   some hosts allow TLS some dont.  But SSL should always work in most cases. 

Then try test connection and i bet it works... if it does not ill try to help you if i can. 

Dave :)

The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 22 '16
lyndaeldo Aug 26 '16
Check this one for more about...SMTP configurations
