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second home/landing page- is it possible? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Lukasz g
Lukasz g Apr 20 '16

hey guys,

So I have a .com and .pl domain. everything is setup on the .com domain but I want to have a .pl version of the page as well. Once a user registers they can set their language so that's fine. But how can I duplicate the home page for the pl domain? is it possible with the oxwall software?  the .pl site would have the same content as .com just in polish obviously. The join button would just point to the .com side and the user can continue on with registration.

ross Team
ross Apr 21 '16
You can just obtain the domain on .pl and point it to the same server where .com is. You can configure parked domain in the cpanel of your server. Look at this article to get a better understanding. 

However you can't control which language will be shown, everytime a user enters your site either .com or .pl he will see the site in the default language. 

ross Team
ross Apr 21 '16