Now, the most photos in home page and dashboard have. But then go to PHOTO to see the photos list and also the photo detail page, the photo has no "href" code.
How can I add such code?
Now, the most photos in home page and dashboard have. But then go to PHOTO to see the photos list and also the photo detail page, the photo has no "href" code.
How can I add such code?
Thanks :)
Hi, so glad you got that sorted out and solved :), if you can, please share your solution to help others. :)
Thanks :)
I find it seems that the share icons will not be shown on a photo unless the photo have a link tag.
Now, I'm trying to find which file should be modified to add such link tag.
The file I found is: ow_plugins/photo/views/components/photo_floatbox.html
at line 48: <img src="%3D" class="ow_photo_img ow_photo_view" />
Just add <a href="#">......</a>
But there is still a issue. Poor english and need more words, so I need explain in next replay.
So this post is not resolved. :-P I will change the title.
Then, if I refresh the page, the photo will be shown in page(not a popup layer). The social share icons were shown on the big photo. But the page link of twice try are same, such as:/photo/view/58/latest
I guess if there is a script to close any layer except the photo layer when the photo is shown in popup layer(first try)?