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About the page title of a photo | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
WOO Apr 21 '16
Open a photo page, the title only show the ID of photo in title tag.

such as "<title>63 - photo at Oxwall Community Software Demo</title>" from your demo site.

Why not replace the ID with the name of photo or album, or description  of it?


ross Team
ross Apr 21 '16
Please do the search before posting anything WOO: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/46415
WOO Apr 21 '16
I did the search, but I find it seems hard to find the post close to the key words.

I'll try to learn how to search......

The Forum post is edited by WOO Apr 22 '16
WOO Apr 22 '16
Just look through the post, it discuss to use ID. It's OK for me to use id as part of url. 

What I ask is showing photo's other information, such as name, description, etc.  ID in TITLE TAG is better than showing a number in TITLE TAG.

The example from demo.oxwall.org is below:

<title>63 - photo at Oxwall Community Software Demo</title>

Also here is screenshot attachment.

The Forum post is edited by WOO Apr 22 '16
  11111.png (204Kb)
ross Team
ross Apr 22 '16
Oh, ok I see, it's a different thing. Sorry. You have a reasonable suggestion. I'll pass it to our devs. Thanks.