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Bug - Language Pack - Unknown Labels strings keys | Forum

idea Jun 25 '12
I found several language strings/keys/empty labels which were never installed as plugins in to my site listed below {on any site's page link http://www.123.45/admin/languages?language=en&prefix=all }..

*meebo bar

*ning member import

*fundraising by oxwall CS

*twitter connect

*facebook connect

*google connect

*fancy box


*Education Corner

*Oxwall Art FAQ {duplicate}

*OCS FAQ {duplicate}

now my question is - 

1) How they came there?

2) what will they effect on site (regarding security and stability)?

3) what are the chances of conflicts during updating core or that specific plugin?

4) is there any parameters or way to find out that specific "label - string" is important and being used by core software or any of plugin?

5) How they can we find out and remove garbage "label -strings" of languages without affecting our site?

The Forum post is edited by idea Jun 25 '12
idea Jul 2 '12
no update..??!!
idea Jul 14 '12
updates please??
Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 18 '12
That is because the person that translated the language keys, had all those plugins installed during the translation. So I recommend that you install and after that uninstall all those plugins and they will delete with language keys. Or you can leave it as is.