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oxwall forum link | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
DeFender Apr 26 '16
why you hide oxwall forum link ? here is so much information about
DeFender Apr 26 '16
ops, thanks
dave Leader
dave Apr 26 '16
And marcus says this site is not fun anymore, pff we have menu games now ;0 )>-|<

We all got caught by that surprise DeFender ;)

Of course all fun and games aside here, its nice eyecandy for sure however if you are a user and frustrated already and get on here to get help and cant find the forum, you get even madder.  So in that regard im not really fond of too much eyecandy that gets in the way of production. 

Now back to work you dogs, we must sell sell sell  lol....  :)  jk of course   

The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 26 '16
ross Team
ross Apr 27 '16

CQuote from Chris_W Evidently it's due to the theme. If your screen resolution isn't high enough some menu items get pushed to the drop down menu on the right, until you get down to a mobile size screen, then they all get pushed to the drop down menu. Try it, resize your browser window.
Chris +1