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Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Danielle May 18 '16
I don't have forums on my site. I removed the plugin. I didn't want a forum.
dave Leader
dave May 18 '16
ok thats fine... just needed to check.. 

to be sure we are on the same page here is a picture of the profile section.  do i have this right.. 

Danielle May 18 '16
Yes, but also there is a wall widget on both profiles and groups where you can leave comments but can't reply or like like you can on that
dave Leader
dave May 18 '16
ok let me see if i can find the wall widget i dont think i have ever seen one.  But let me look.  I have a gut feeling that if it is a widget (and lets hope i am wrong here) that it is in js... if it is in php we got it made i can do this with you.. but if its js we are screwed because i suck at js...   so one mine let me find it first. 
Danielle May 18 '16
Ah okay! It's when you go to group settings, you can see the widget
dave Leader
dave May 18 '16
ok found them both i had to drag them down, i have never ever used those...  I named mine profile wall and group wall so i dont get confused.  

Ok now let me go take a look at them on the users side  one side 

Danielle May 18 '16
Okay! Yeah I had to drag it down otherwise it would have been the sitewide news feed :-(
dave Leader
dave May 18 '16
looks like we might be able to add the comment icon but let me find the code first, this might take a bit so hold on please 
Danielle May 18 '16
awesome! Thank you! Okay!
dave Leader
dave May 18 '16
OK the part we want to copy   which is the comment icon

is in 


on about line 61

let me look at the other code for where we may want to add it now and see what we can do, i dont know if this can be done in a plugin or not, we may have to edit the core.  

The Forum post is edited by dave May 18 '16
dave Leader
dave May 18 '16
what we want to change is ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/comments.html

But its linked to js in ow_static/plugins/base/js/ow.js  

so i cant do it dear sorry i would not know what i was doing with the js end of it and we would prob end up with a big mess on our hands.  

Danielle May 18 '16
Ahhh I see. Well you tried your best! Thank you for your time and effort to help though!
dave Leader
dave May 18 '16
not done yet hold on a sec lol....  i might be able to limit your group feeds with a single change, i just have to find the section i know what it looks like i just have to find it
dave Leader
dave May 18 '16
open up ow_plugins/groups/classes/event_handler.php

look at lines 311 and 432  

the visiblity variable or number is what you want to change, you can hard code it or you can find just above that where visibility value is set in a php ternary statment if  you know what that is, its on line 291

and then on 432 just change the value.. 

Now i dont know which one does what, i dont know if you need to change both or just one, but here is what the values mean

        // 1 VISIBILITY_SITE


        // 8 VISIBILITY_FEED

       // 15 VISIBILITY_ALL

so you prob just want the feed so that means that the bottom one might be ok since it is 8 already. 

But change one value and try it and see if its one you want. 

Hope that helps 

The Forum post is edited by dave May 18 '16
dave Leader
dave May 18 '16
here is a site that can help you with that ternary statement to understand it. 


The Forum post is edited by dave May 18 '16
ali Apr 11 '23
В Арт Академи в София, децата могат да се научат на различни техники за рисуване, керамика, крафт с полимерна глина и много други изкуствени дейности. През последните години, училището се е утвърдило като един от най-добрите центрове за изкуство за деца в София. Една от големите предимства на Арт Академи е, че децата не само могат да се забавляват, но и да учат много полезни умения като търпение, точност и творческо мислене. Децата могат да се развиват в своите умения и да изразят своята индивидуалност. В Арт Академи има и опитни учители, които ще насочат децата и ще им помогнат да развият своя талант. Всички материали и оборудване, необходими за изкуството, са на разположение в училището. Арт Академи
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