good as a lot of people I got a white screen lol!
so I searched a bit, I backup all before looking away, empty the server, try installing again without success to get the results I needed php5.5
so I contacted the web host, he told me to add a line "AddHandler php55-fcgi .php" in .htaccess
I rebooted my backup and I'm walking miracle AC version 1.8.3
one small problem the updated plugins are not made
in fact FTP longer works in debug mode I have this message
[Sat May 21, 2016 5:32:36 p.m.] [ow_core_log] [Warning] Message: session_start (): Can not find save handler 'memcached' - session startup failed File: / var / www / vhosts / FilerWeb08 / club libertine-hot .com / httpdocs / hot / ow_core / session.php Line: 83
if someone has an idea
excuse me for my english i'm french and this is a google traduction