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1.8.3 ftp trouble | Forum

kathy godde
kathy godde May 22 '16

good as a lot of people I got a white screen lol!

so I searched a bit, I backup all before looking away, empty the server, try installing again without success to get the results I needed php5.5

so I contacted the web host, he told me to add a line "AddHandler php55-fcgi .php" in .htaccess

I rebooted my backup and I'm walking miracle AC version 1.8.3

one small problem the updated plugins are not made

in fact FTP longer works in debug mode I have this message

[Sat May 21, 2016 5:32:36 p.m.] [ow_core_log] [Warning] Message: session_start (): Can not find save handler 'memcached' - session startup failed File: / var / www / vhosts / FilerWeb08 / club libertine-hot .com / httpdocs / hot / ow_core / session.php Line: 83

if someone has an idea

excuse me for my english i'm french and this is a google traduction

The Forum post is edited by kathy godde May 22 '16
dave Leader
dave May 22 '16
ok in your htaccess file is it  memcached or memcache, 

it should be memcached, many people misname it by mistake

see here, you might need the extension as well. 


The Forum post is edited by dave May 22 '16
ross Team
ross May 23 '16
Dave +1
kathy godde
kathy godde May 23 '16
I do not have access to the server and nothing like this in the .htaccess file
dave Leader
dave May 23 '16
Have you contacted your host to see what they say about the issue?
kathy godde
kathy godde May 23 '16

no not right now ! you know what they generally respond "see with the developer."

and as obviously I'm not the only one to have had problems with this obligation php 5.5

there may be a solution from oxwall

dave Leader
dave May 23 '16
The reason i ask is because memcached is a server side configuration, your host should at least check the configuration on their side to be sure it is correct and then you can troubleshoot from there. But we have to start somewhere and the best place to start is with the host and work downward. 

PS. If that is their reply to every ticket, then its time to get a new host. 

The Forum post is edited by dave May 23 '16
kathy godde
kathy godde May 23 '16
ok I open a ticket now, I'll let you know
dave Leader
dave May 23 '16
try not to mention oxwall unless you have to because they might jump and say its oxwall without even checking the config. 

Just tell them that you are getting a memcached error and you need them to check the config and tell them the error you are getting is 

[Warning] Message: session_start (): Can not find save handler 'memcached' - session startup failed

sometimes with hosts you have to make them get up off their lazy butts and check things.  And then after that then you can elaborate and tell them its with oxwall and give them the full error. 

The Forum post is edited by dave May 23 '16
kathy godde
kathy godde May 23 '16
for information  my .htaccess


Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

AddHandler php55-fcgi .php

AddEncoding gzip .gz

AddEncoding gzip .gzip

<FilesMatch "\.(js.gz|js.gzip)$">

  ForceType text/javascript


<FilesMatch "\.(css.gz|css.gzip)$">

  ForceType text/css


RewriteBase /hot

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index\.php

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/index\.php

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_cron/run\.php

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/e500\.php

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/captcha\.php

#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.php|\.html|\.htm|\.xml|\.feed|robots\.txt|\.raw|/[^.]*)$  [NC]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (/|\.php|\.html|\.htm|\.xml|\.feed|robots\.txt|\.raw|/[^.]*)$  [NC]

RewriteRule (.*) index.php

The Forum post is edited by kathy godde May 24 '16
kathy godde
kathy godde May 23 '16
ok but they are not stupid simply go to the site to see the oxwall logo footer
The Forum post is edited by kathy godde May 23 '16
dave Leader
dave May 23 '16
agreed but see how it goes :)  i will do a spell on them so they wont look down there lmao  :)
kathy godde
kathy godde May 23 '16
good it's done I expect an answer


kathy godde
kathy godde May 24 '16

it has not been easy but I had the answer.

the  server is not in memcached but in memcache

So what do we do a washing machine ? lol!;)

The Forum post is edited by kathy godde May 24 '16
dave Leader
dave May 24 '16
lol well thats a great question, and i dont know the answer.  I am looking at the script and the files that handle that are mostly in smarty. 

The good news is that your message is a warning message and not a fatal error. Unless i find someway to help you soon i will have to pass this one off to ross as i just have no idea about this one. 

UPDATE:  actually i just was able to look in the locked file i found using a program, i still cant edit it but i can see the inside, it does cover both ways  memcache is for 2.0 and memcached is 1.0   so it does appear that we do cover both options.  

I will still have to pass this off to ross but at least we know more now. 

The Forum post is edited by dave May 24 '16
kathy godde
kathy godde May 24 '16

ok on my side, I have a friend who is a computer teacher in school and come home next Saturday I would ask him his opinion.

if he finds a solution I'd share with you

dave Leader
dave May 24 '16
I will still make sure ross sees this as i am really curious about an answer here. 
ross Team
ross May 25 '16
Kathy, do you have access to php.ini? If so, please check what is the value set for session.save_handler? 

If not, please contact your hosting provider to find out. 

kathy godde
kathy godde May 25 '16
I just sent an email to get the answer I want you informed
kathy godde
kathy godde May 25 '16

voici la réponse

Voici les valeurs dans le fichier php.ini:

session.save_handler = memcache

session.save_path = "tcp: // 11211"

Please note that version 5.5 does not php memcache. I just comment out the line .htaccess #AddHandler php55-fcgi .php file.

The Forum post is edited by kathy godde May 25 '16
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