I was just curious who monitors the international section of the forum. Does Oxwall have volunteers in all sections to be sure nothing illegal is being discussed and to help those people as well?
Isn't that risky considering not a whole lot of people here that i know of speak all languages, we have no idea what they may be discussing, something illegal maybe.
I know the team is small and sometimes challenged to keep up with what we have to now, but are there any plans on the road map to at least promote some volunteers to watch those sections for illegal activity?
I mean an open chat like that unmonitored in any form may leave Ox vulnerable to culpability factors. At least maybe with some filters even to watch for words like bomb, kill, blow up, destroy, that would at least possibly get Ox off the hook because you made an attempt to monitor it. Otherwise you could be wide open and thats not a good place ot be man.